Fifth Lord's anger can not be quelled

the information about the yu family was not deliberately hidden. it was just that too much time had passed, and the yu family had gradually faded out of people's sight. if one were to search, one would still be able to find a lot of information about the yu family.

Xuan wanrou found a lot of information about the Yu family, and the most interesting one was about the two young masters of the Yu family.

there were no photos, but just from the text introduction, one could tell how amazing they were.

According to the information he found, the second young master of the Yu family and the second miss of the SU family were childhood sweethearts and had been married for six years!

if the son of the su family organization's president addressed xuan liuying as first aunt, didn't that mean that jiang rui's biological father was the yu family's young master, yu wushuang?