his heart ached for her

A second later, Jiang che turned to Shi Lin. "Master Shi, are you here in Haicheng for miss Shi?"

shi lin didn't answer him directly but said, " the head of the Shi family is my eldest son. I'm no longer the head of the Shi family. Since you're calling my wife Auntie, you can call me uncle.

jiang che's gaze lingered on his face for a few seconds before he said, " "In that case, uncle, you don't have to address me as 'fifth Lord Jiang' anymore. You can just call me by my name."

"Yes." shi lin took a sip of tea.

"I did come to Haicheng for Yanyan," he said with some unclear emotions.

"then, when does uncle plan to see yanyan?"

Shi Lin didn't answer immediately. After hesitating for a while, he asked,"When do you think I should go and see her?"

his expression didn't change much, but jiang che's sharp eyes could still see the difference. The feeling he gave Jiang che was that he wanted to see Shi Yan, but he did not dare to.