jiang yun returns to the capital in advance

In the afternoon, Jiang che drove Shi Yan to school.

Jiang che left after sending Shi Yan to the entrance of the teaching building where the class was to be held.

with the exception of shi yan, who was a little drowsy and did not make as fast of a progress as usual while listening to the class, the four classes in the afternoon went smoothly.

however, knowing that she didn't rest well last night, jiang che had asked her to pack two not-so-thick books when they left. she had finished reading them by the end of four classes.

her roommates were surprised to see that she did not go back immediately after school. it was only when they saw jiang rui and jiang yun running towards them that they understood.

it turned out that jiang rui and jiang yun had come to look for her.

"shi yan, do you have an appointment with them?" Ren Kexin asked.