the one looking for trouble is an acquaintance

Fortunately, Shi Yan was a person who remained calm and collected. If it were someone else, they would have been frightened by this.

He didn't say much and only smiled and said, " "No need to be so polite."

However, it was precisely these four words of hers that made the people below dare not look down on her and acknowledge her as their mistress from the bottom of their hearts.

No one else had this kind of deterrence.

then, they introduced their names, positions, and general responsibilities one by one.

Shi Yan didn't respond rashly. She listened carefully to the introduction of nearly fifty people.

these were all jiang che's subordinates. since jiang che had gone to such great lengths to arrange this meeting, she had to make it valuable.

She had a good memory. After introducing them one by one, she could remember most of them.

remember, keep an eye on him occasionally. i won't let jiang che face the betrayal of his trusted aides again.