Father Xiao’s Plow Machine

Father Xiao invested in a mechanized plow machine last season. It could plow ten to twenty Mu of land a day. It was far more effective than using the cows. After all, a cow could only plow one to two Mu of land a day.

Furthermore, using the plow machine was far less taxing on the farmer.

When the Xiao Family was done plowing their own land, they would rent out the machine and its services. Father Xiao would plow a Mu of land for 80 RMB. For common farmers, 80 RMB was still rather expensive. However, most farming families who didn't have cows or wish for convenience would still rent from Xiao Zhengyang. After all, the alternative for farmers who didn't have plowing cows was to turn over the land with their own hands. 

In the end, it was far more cost-efficient to turn to Father Xiao. There were villagers in Taoyuan Village and neighboring villages who depended on Father Xiao's services.