Selling Vegetables

"Miss, how much are the tomatoes? I'll buy some."

Someone had a free taste, and they wanted to buy some tomatoes home. They already tasted so good raw, so they would be better if stir-fried.

"2 RMB each!"

"2 RMB each?" Someone thought they misheard. "Miss, did you mean 2 RMB per catty?"

"No, 2 RMB each. Everything on my tricycle, other than the spinach and chilies, is sold by the unit." Xiao Lingyu explained seriously, "Eggplants are 2 RMB each, cabbage is 15 RMB each, spinach 15 RMB per catty, and chilies are 20 RMB per catty."

Many people's interest waned when they heard the price. The market sold a catty of tomatoes for 2 RMB, but the girl sold them for 2 RMB each; The market sold eggplants for 60 cents per catty, but the girl sold 2 RMB each. The prices for cabbage and spinach were also ridiculously high. However, those who had taken the samples thought the taste was worth the price.