Little Cotton-Padded Coats and Military Jacket

The thought of western-style dim sum got Yan Qixun thinking, so she asked. "Second Brother, you've caught so many chickens, but why don't you have eggs?"

"I do, but I have nowhere to store them. I left them all in Uncle Lu's basket. He said that he'd give me half of them."

Yan Qixun couldn't rely on milk anymore. If she wanted to keep up her protein levels, eggs and tofu were her best choices. Her family had raised a few chickens before. When her father went for the Imperial Examination, all the chickens had been slaughtered. She thought that she would get a few new chickens later on. 

Now that her family was poor, there were many things that she needed to do to have a good life. Their food problem has been solved for now. However, their living conditions were not good, but they had shelter from the winds and the rain. Having warm clothes to wear was their next priority.