Chapter 519: It's not Jiuli, it's fake!

Therefore, he knew much more than both Guardian Feng and Guardian An; they were all aware of Xue Yang's intentions, but Guardian An had long ago discovered Xue Yang's near-mad feelings for their master ...

She had long forfeited the qualifications to be a guardian. The only reason that our master didn't kill her was that he simply didn't see her as consequential! To Guardian An, however, Xue Yang was already a corpse...

Even if she emerged alive from the Secret Realm, her death was inevitable!

Guardian Feng regained his composure; his eyes turned cold and there was clearly a similar intent as Guardian An's!

Immediately after Xue Yang and Xinshu disappeared, scores of people also went into the attic! The four people hiding in the tree were particularly alerted when two shadowy figures emerged...