"Let me start from the beginning.", she pulled me close and touched her forehead to mine. All of a sudden, we were back at the site where everything first began, THE ALLEYWAY! Both of us were back at the very same place and the exact moment where things took a turn for the worse, for me that is. Suddenly, I felt a shadow pass through us, and it was someone I never expected to see.

"Relax", she said, holding my hand, noticing that I was a bit perplexed, with this whole situation. We just stayed there, holding each other's hand. I think there should be a scream now. After a few seconds, I had heard it. This started to confirm my suspicion. Now, there must be a lightning flash, and there it was. All too easy. Now, after a few more seconds, there must be the sound of footsteps. Faint footsteps, but gradually resounding over time.

Yep, that too was done. Finally, now that shadow would run across from that section and turn at a fast pace, though, it would suddenly slip up, tumble across after coming in contact with a trash can, and then collapse to the ground. Simple as that. And so did things play out. Finally, we meet;


Yes, lying on the ground was me. I just looked at how things played out, perplexed and astounded at first, but as the time passed by, I understood, or kind of thought I had the grasp of the basics of what was happening. This is where I blacked out. But things didn't stop here. I looked at Emily, and she was carefully observing the situation. She didn't utter a word at all. But she didn't let go of me. Since I was alien to this whole situation, I kept quiet and looked at what was about to unfold now.

The sound of footsteps that was hastily chasing me around now slowed down to just normal steps. The sound echoed through this section. But, I remember that I had been conscious for a moment, and saw the silhouette of a woman. But I was nowhere close to waking up. I just anxiously waited there, with my eyes fixated on that corner. A shadow popped up on the wall, a faint one, but still visible. With each step, it got bigger, and bigger until it stopped right before the end.

I looked at her again. Suddenly, the shadow disappeared, only for it to emerge suddenly from the sky. I couldn't see the face, but I could see that I was in danger. Now, what happened next? I was keenly waiting.

The figure in question, closed up the distance between us, before looking around for something, or dare I say, someone. It hesitated for a moment, before having a sniff of me. Suddenly, a flash of light flew past me and Emily and struck the target. Suddenly, a familiar voice broke through the confused silence;

"You shall not lay a finger on him."; I turned around to see another Emily emerge from the shadows, swiftly moving towards me, and then covered me. I didn't know how to feel about that particular situation if I were, to be honest. On one end, I was being dragged into this supernatural and mythical world, irrespective of whether I wanted to or not, and on the other end, I was being protected by a girl, who already seemed to have her hands full by being the future heir to the throne of the demon world. I did feel sorry for her and resent myself for being in such a situation now. You have to clear your own mess, that's what I've always believed in. And to suddenly be protected by this stranger who was leading a double life, that too so elegantly and effortlessly, it just hurt me even more, that I couldn't be a little more rational, that I couldn't see the signs and trackback, I felt a bit bitter about all of this now when I watching myself from a third-person's perspective.

While I was thinking about pointless stuff, I could see the enemy charge in at Emily. At first, they both were equally matched, and she could evade her easily. But as the battle dragged out, she started to struggle. And in just a matter of time, she started to fall behind her and barely avoided getting hurt.

"You should give up, Princess!", the enemy finally spoke. A light illuminated around the person in question, finally showing the face of our enemy. Ok, maybe not our enemies, but mine. It seems like she knew this person. I could see the face crystal clear now. It was that of a woman, who was ravishing, beautiful in all regards, a woman who would be in her late '20s to early '30s. I wouldn't be surprised if she was in her early '40s. No offense to Emily but if she was on the level of a model, this woman was of the level of an A-list actress. Dressed up in dark denim jeans, with a sleeveless top, which showed her bra straps, which were underneath a leather overcoat, she was the living incarnation of the word 'sinister'. I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

"I've spent eons and eons doing so as I please, and till now, not even your mother could stop me, except for that one time. I hardly believe her daughter can best her in that aspect." Woah, she was clearly mocking her. She gave a wicked laugh and then unleashed those scarlet eyes.

I was looking at Emily, the one that was protecting me, the other me, that is. Argh! It's confusing. Anyway, Emily-2 was on the losing end now.

"Give up, princess. In the current state you are, you can't save anyone. True, you are one of a kind and a special one, but at the end of the day, you can't beat us. We, who have devoured on the humankind for hundreds of years can never be beaten by someone who rejects the notion of feeding on humans as prey!"

It looks like things were about to get messy. I could sense Emily-1's grip tightening my hand.

A quick-fire attack caught Emily-2 off-guard, sending her flying back. I was speechless. I could hear her coughing after the smoke settled. She was limping a little before she suddenly unleashed her own spell. It sent the other lady back, and she regained her place near me, Axel-2, that is.

She tried to regain her breathing, and then sharply stared at the enemy.

"You're right, it was foolish of me, trying to fight for a cause which no one would follow up on because that is how we live. That is why I will no longer wait for you to give up and accept it. I shall impose it on you!"