Soul Number 75SDX

Earth, Solar Year 2708.

In 2698 Earth made the first contact with the Alien species called XB1 or, simply, Greys. Unlike their namesakes in Human Culture, the Greys towered above 8 feet on average and were humanoid species. They, like humans, had a fully developed interplanetary civilization and occupied the corner of interstellar space outside the Solar System. Biologically they had similarities with humans, with two natural genders and varying natural kinds of mutations. They also appeared similar to humans of Earth but had grey-toned skin, and as they wore long black armour covering even their faces, humans called them Greys because of their striking skin colour in black armour.

At first, they were friendly with humans who had developed bases on multiple moons and planets and respected them as fellow upstart space colonizers. But soon, their real intent to enslave humans was uncovered as they brainwashed many top human leaders and enslaved all 1 billion humans on Pluto and Saturn bases pushing them to invade the Second Base of Humanity, Mars. It was such an abrupt change in stance from the Greys that even future humanity scholars could not understand why once allied species acted so hastily.

It was a gruesome siege, but Mars survived due to the Chief Commanders on Mars and their Special Ops Teams. They sacrificed themselves and battled in the front line after finding out about the invasion on time.

This event led to 10-year wars in which humans and the whole solar system were tested. Greys with superior bodies and minds had weaker weapons as they focused mainly on their unique art of moving through space, which Earth's science could not identify even after the war and classified as "Space Temporal Magic". They were deadly in the early stages of the war, but as Humans struck back, they got to know about one major defect of Greys, they had a much smaller population. It was a war between two species, one with more than 100 Billion population and the other with only 1 Billion.

At first, many factions thought of overloading Greys with bigger army size, but as they swam through dark space so quickly, Humans decided to go back to their old ways of war. They used prisoners of war and dead Greys in gruesome testing and created a superhuman serum which was recorded only in super hero comics, called simply as Hunter serum.

Hunter Serum gave birth to superhumans called Hunters who obtained mutated abilities based on their potential and lucks. All of these powers were the ones humans thought of only in their fictional stories. Eventually, a few hunters awakened to power levels close to the General Level Grey Warriors and were given the highest rank, "S", for their powers.

While many heroes were crowned as "S" Class hunters, most of the hunters below S ranks were killed in the war and were considered as porters for 12,811 S Class heroes born during the war. Lack of personal power beyond S Class created a passive position for both factions as no S Class was as strong as 10 Kings of the Greys who could destroy a warship with just a simple shrug.

But the situation changed due to Drake Wilson, the F Class hunter, the lowest rank hunter who was only eligible to work as an assistant to higher ranked hunters. The F Class Hunter, who became the legendary EX Class hunter, a symbol of humanity, and ultimately a martyr known as the Divine Hero, is still an enigma for humans.

The hero who rose faster than a phoenix died in the last clash, which blinded the whole battlefield with a golden light as if he released his own essence to light up the future of humanity for years to come. Many S ranks who watched the battle believed that the powers showed by the last of the Kings and Drake Wilson was beyond what their mind could think of and did their best to absorb whatever they could find about the Greys because they knew the best that it is only a beginning, they need even more Drake Wilson to spread the eternal flames of humanity throughout the cosmos.


Arcadia, Holy Age, Year 1.

The planet full of miracles, life, and magic, the Arcadia was the home to more than 12 intelligent species consisting of three Master Races. The pointy-eared beautiful elves who were loved by nature, short dwarves who created tools for everyone using the flames of nature, and humans who excelled at none but were blessed by nature itself.

At present, Arcadia is tending to its wounds after beating the invaders called Demons in the Age of Chaos, which lasted for 1200 Years till now.

Ruthless Demons devoured the forests of elves, plundered the forges of dwarves, and killed innovators and philosophers of humans in their conquest over Arcadia. No one knew how and from where barbaric red-skinned Demons came, but all of them knew that they were eating all of Arcadia like a locust horde.

As the nations got destroyed and ancient families were wiped out, the population of Arcadia was reduced by 70% during the 1200 years of the war. Of 29 intelligent species, only 12 are left to tell tales to the next generation.

But as Arcadia was forced to the brink of death, 10 Champions were born. As the finest of the finest, they went against the brute demons in the last wars and eventually became the lords of their species. Feared by their charge, Demons called upon the Four Heavenly Generals. They faced these champions, and soon Arcadia came to know the true terror of Demons as 4 Black Caped Generals had powers to walk on the skies, destroy mountains with a single wave of their hand, and had aura strong enough to corrupt even the purest holy maidens.

As species got pushed back, they carried out the ancient magic of summoning heroes by risking sacrificing their last Holy Maiden, the eldest princess of the elvish kingdom of Eternal Kingdom, Kaira and successfully called upon the Hero of Light from another dimension.

With an appearance similar to humans in Arcadia Hero had tattered clothes and deadly bruises on his body. He called himself Draco and was the very definition of power. He saved the dying holy maiden with a miracle serum and defeated even the teachers of Champions in a single One vs 10 battle.

All the species had their eyes filled with hope towards such a Hero, but after merely one month of summoning him, it became the eyes filled with blind faith as they revered him not as a hero who they called upon but as a Dragon God who saved them by defeating Demon King in just one month.

Just like an Ancient Dragon Hero of Light was proficient in Magic and learned every possible spell in the grand library in one day. In 10 days, he mastered the magic arts and cultivated 10 Magic Circles to the level of Arch Mage and became the 9th Arch-Mage of the history of Arcadia. In 5 more days, he mastered the elven spirit arts, and in another 5 days, he mastered the dwarven art of Body Forging in the depth of Earth and cured the ailing body he had since he came to Arcadia.

After 21 days since he came to Arcadia he learned Ultimate Arts of Master Races and with his previous techniques and power became the most powerful force on Arcadia. People around him were so frightened and powerless that no one was able to become the party member of the legendary Hero.

But that didn't stop him at all. In just 9 days since he left Royal Capital of the Elven Empire he killed all the Generals and the Demon King. Many awaited the arrival of the Hero with fervent eyes but as news spread about his possible death in the fight against Demon King public went against the ruling monarchy who didn't try to help their Hero and staged succesful revolution across many places.

But it didn't end with only removing old leaders. Through out the Arcadia people gave up on their religions as they also blamed the Gods they worshipped for the sacrifice of their chosen hero and enshrined the Hero Draco as the Dragon God of Light.

And hence, the Age of Chaos which lasted for 1200 years, got resolved in 30 days since the Hero Draco came to Arcadia. While many may dislike the changes after the Age of Chaos, they all agreed that they didn't summon any random hero, but a Dragon God descended after seeing their sufferings.

Even now, the Church of Light, the most influential power of Arcadia with the last Holy Maiden Karia as the Pope, is doing its best to teach the new generation about the myth and hymns of the Dragon God of Light. Every day millions of people under different kinds of trouble pray to the Dragon God of Light for their salvation.


[][][], Year [][][]

In a white, spotless room, a stunning black-haired beauty with a face so holy that even Holy Lords of the Void Realms cried in delight at her appearance was dressed in a light blue shirt and, black skirt and office heels was sitting behind a black desk made of jet black unknown materials. She was listening to the report from a woman covered in flickering silver light in the room in front of her with a twisted face as she disliked everything she was hearing.

As the woman finished saying the report, she sternly gazed her deep black eyes on her; it was a casual action from her. Still, for the woman, in silver light, it was as if a whole starfield was hovering on her head.

"Is this really the last log for this soul? It has been 25 years since the fight in Arcadia. You do know that it is one thing to not know anything at the beginning but even with all the resources and time you guys have there is not a single valuable information. Why the heck I am even paying you guys? Huh?"

The silver figure bowed down a little in fear but continued to speak as calmly as possible to not anger the lady in front of her even more. "President, this is really the last record of the Soul Number 75SDX. I personally went to the Earth and Arcadia with my team, even while disobeying the Heavenly Will we scanned every soul but we were not able to find it. It is as if it was born to deal with issues on Earth and Arcadia and went back to nothingness."

The lady in the blue shirt swiped her arm, and many screens appeared on her desk. She scanned through the report and frowned even more upon seeing the latest findings.

"Hm, what about the divinity created by Arcadia and Humans, how you were not able to trace it back to the soul."

"We were not able to find anything as every time we try tracking our tools go haywire. We even went to Divination Palace but that ended with death of three monks who tried to divine the soul. It is as if there is a force more powerful than us is interfering us."

"Of course, it is more powerful, tell me something that I don't know and is not written in report. Forget it, tell me your summary of the event along with your personal remarks. Tell me anything you have on mind, or I will forcefully read your thoughts even if I will be turning my best employee at present a mindless idiot."

Silver figure trembled but finally nodded.

"The soul was born at the Earth in the Solar System 12 of Void Sector XZ1 on the 7th of April 2512 and stayed at the home planet as an average soul. The said soul was not remarkable enough for the Heavenly Will of Void Sector XZ1 to flag it as a unique being and was not a reincarnation of a higher-level being; for that, we confirmed it with Unauthorized Access Monitoring Authorities of Immortal, Eternal, and Void realms. In its life as Drake Wilson, he worked as an innovator and professional analyst while being from a rich family in Mars Settlement.

He was far away from anything related to fighting, and there was no indication that he might become a mortal capable of killing 7 Immortal Origin beings called as Kings by Greys."

"But he did so; how did he raise his powers?"

"From our personal investigations, we now know that he had in depth knowledge about technologies he never learnt about, he even knew about how to use the bodies of Grey Warriors and absorb their aura even if it was a crude way to absorb it."

"How crude?"

"It was as if he was eating it raw, we are even more surprised that he did not die from it as even Gods die trying to absorb auras not belonging to them. Throughout the history, there have been only a few who achieved this without dying. For this matter, you must have more insights."

The angelic woman looked straight to the silver figure and remained.

"Yes, you need an understanding of the Supreme Law of Destruction as only it could destroy any aura and use it for many uses. And I am quite certain that none of the Supremes left their post during this period; they cannot be so bored that they will use their power on some Immortals.

Anything else?"

"Yes president. Actually, after Arcadia event my team tracked any other similar events like this and found 1128 similar cases when we searched all the records from the beginning of the organization."

"So, care to tell me why it is not included in the report?"

"All of them were attested by Goddess of Life within the power you gave her as a director."

"Goddess of Life? Supreme Mother who is the most powerful shut in in the universe came out to attest them? Why I didn't know about it, let me guess... she f*cking bribed them, and I believe she even bribed or threatened you so why you are risking yourself."

"President is truly omniscient...but she did not come this time."

"Hm, maybe she cannot because it is now in my attention or, her goal has been achieved...Sigh, I can now get a hang of what happened as only a single culprit can appear out of many who wield the destruction law and can make her come out of her seclusion."

The lady sighed a lot and stared at the spotless white roof while thinking about the troubles she is going to face. But even if she was making a tired face, her eyes flashed with an intense longing she had kept hidden for a long time.

She collected herself and stared a minute or two at the silver figure.

"...Even if she did not threaten you, I can bet that Rahu must have stopped you from including this in report or telling me all this as he is quite a worrywart, I am quite grateful to you, you know."

"Actually, president, I am not selfless too. The reasons I joined the organization was to find the information about one of the classified 1128 cases I got to see in the records, without this case I would not have got the opportunity to explore it. I would be really grateful if you can allow me to enquire the Goddess of Life."

"You are quite direct huh. Well, surely I am the one to be blamed for this too."

Then she stopped and swiped the countless blue screens in front of her to bring out a map full of countless white spots.

"The soul map...."

As the silver figure looked in awe at one of the most mysterious relic in the entire Universe, the lady in blue and black glazed over it as if she could look at everything happening in the universe. After a while, she nodded and looked at the silver figure seriously.

"Go to the Dao Realm in the Void Sector 4F and find the person known as the Bai Changming; that guy is an anomaly there. The system will not flag him as one, but he got two low-ranking Titles in only 25 Years while hiding himself from the entire world.

But before that, what was the reason you want to follow on this case? Tell me truth, the last thing I want is to know that you will be the one destroying the case for your personal matters. Don't hide it thinking that it is your private matter now; I need to know it, and if it is something you can't handle, I will just assign someone else."

The silver woman blanked for a moment before telling her with an empty voice.

"...When I was just a mortal, I had a fiancée who helped me a lot even if he was shamed by everyone as an incompetent man. He gave me everything he found in secret realms while saying that he picked up trash for his future wife as he cannot bothered to select anything good. He was a rich Young Master and took hate of everyone, and as if fate was mocking me I got to know what he did for me only after he left the world."

"How did he die? Did he escape to thin air like Drake?"

"It was similar. When I was young, I entered an Immortal tomb and got a High-Level Mortal Weapon, an elder of a top sect chased me to a dead end. Even when I used all tricks to escape the trail but as I was cornered, he jumped out from a corner, grabbed me, and used a teleportation relic to escape in a second. It was the first time I saw the prodigal man to have possession of an ancient relic. While I was in a daze to see myself in a cave full of treasures, he left and told me to wait for him, but as 2 days went by and most of my injuries were healed, I went outside to find some food only to find food packed with a note that if he does not come in a day, I can collect the treasures as they were meant for me anyways.

Horrified, I ran to find a local city to know his news only to find that the whole sect which targeted me was destroyed in a single night by a masked man and on the next day I received the news that my fiancée died by chocking up from drinking too much alcohol."

She paused a bit as her silver figure flickered a lot due to her unstable emotions before continuing.

"While people were showing pity to me, they smiled at his death and congratulate me on being saved from the fate of being married to an idiot. I walked back to the cave he had left me. During all this time, I gradually came to understand that while I, like others, misunderstood him, he was not an idiot just because he was a hedonist, he was an idiot because he sacrificed himself for a woman who would have never appreciated his actions until he told her himself or until he died for her.

Due to the trauma, I decided to live as a normal person and gave up on cultivation. But as if mocking me again, fate forced me to walk the path of cultivation as the world started to forget his existence.

The relics he gave me were the only evidence of his existence; even his family forgot that he existed. I lacked the power to know the reasons for this and decided to use his last traces to get more power to know about how he died and to avenge him while making the world remember who he was.

With that goal, I did everything to power up but could not achieve my goals even after becoming an Eternal Being. The world I came from t erased his traces once again as I returned from my failed search; it was as if there was a fog over his whole existence. I came here then as this is the last place I could go to search for him."

The woman nodded while looking at her strangely. "You do not love him, but he became an obsession for you. Well, I guess you will be fine for this job. Just don't confront him to find out his secrets from him or else he may do something absurd again."

"Does Miss President know about him?"

"Of course, I know. But I did not expect him to be still alive. No, I did not expect that he would reappear so soon.

Let's do it like this, you will resign from your post today and find him, you will guard him until he becomes powerful enough in the Dao Universe. I will personally pay you besides your hefty severance pay from the company for this task, irrespective of your own choice of taking this job it is an official mission from me, so you will get paid accordingly.

Also, tell Beelzebub that you are fired because you made me mad or something; he will be sympathetic to you and pay you even better. Use everything you can use to keep the idiots who dare to think about harming him out of the Dao Realm until he is ready.

Or better, monitor him and kill anyone who comes for him from higher realms, I guess I do not need to ask this as you would do it yourself as you are 'indebted' to him. All that being said, beware of the Goddess of Life as she surely would come to Dao Universe for him."

"...Understood. But can you please tell me who he is? Please my lady. Please tell me at least something. You know about him, don't you, can you please tell me at least something. I will do everything you ask of me for free but please, I beg of you, please tell me anything you can."

"...Don't worry. You will eventually get all your answers. Just take care of him for a while, okay?

Honestly, telling you a bit about him is not a difficult thing but will it not be better to hear from him directly? You have waited for so long; instead of me telling you everything, it will be better to sort things out between you two,

And for the money, well, you will need some to even monitor him. So go now, and one more thing, give me periodic reports so that I can help you as needed."


After a pause, the silver figure's violent flickering stabilized, and it vanished after she nodded to her.

She stood up and stretched her arms as the desk and chair vanished in thin air.

She suddenly flashed a nostalgic smile as she thought about the situation of the silver figure, which must be crying now.

"Master, even after so many years your nasty habit of making others crazy has not gone away. You are really a hateful person...But still you should have not come back, especially in this age where there are so many crazies. With you, the King of Crazies, here how the hell these cute kids can express themselves.

Well, I guess it's times up for the little cuties. It was really fun till it lasted."

With a twisted smile, in the end, she teleported to a place unknown to everyone leaving a spotless white room as if she was never present there in the first place.