I Probably Would Need Help Fighting Black Book Dragon

14. "Would you mind if I borrowed the cleaning tool?"

  "Yes," the old woman looks at me weirdly, "What for?"

  "For..." an awkward laugh escapes from my mouth, "For cleaning?"

  That sharpened her eyebrows.

  Oh great, me. You know that this is the most salty person in Black Book—the old janitor. She goes dragon to anyone who she thinks is mocking her. In any case, everyone is for her. But really, we don't have so much time to mock a janitor. I think she's doing a pretty good job too. Black Book has been proud of its healthy environment (except anywhere for the Occult Clubroom.)

  The janitor starts, "Oh okay, now I see."

  "You see?"


  She does?

  She stabs a wrinkled finger over my face. "You think you're smarter than me!"

  She didn't.

  "No, no," I shake my head and even try to use my hand to deny it.

  But the old janitor is famous for her… absolute decision.

  The old woman continues her berserk, "Not all teachers are smart! Experience is all that matters in this world!"

  Way to admit you're old.

  I nod, "I get it."

  "No you don't!"

  I sigh, "I get it."

  "No you don't!"

  "I get—for god's sake, I don't get this!" I slap my forehead and pull down my eyes.

  "See?" The janitor laughs. "I just won an argument with a teacher. That's enough to prove it!"

  I nod my head. My arms are hanging down now. It's better to give her the win. I don't care about winning a childish argument with her.

  "I'm sorry. I just have to use them for cleaning a room. Now," I point at the janitor's room, "Can I get the cleaning tool?"

  Her eyes go up… And she nods her head.

  "Really?" I ask for confirmation.

  "I will give it to you."

  I smile, "Thank you."

  Well, that's a lot quicker than I think it's going to be. Almost sounds impossible. Back when I saw Alyssa, and she argued, it took a couple hours for Alyssa to say her sorry for calling her 'Oi.' Alyssa is rude as that.

  Anyway, why is she not moving? The janitor is just standing there, looking under my chin.

  Oh! I have to get it myself.

  "Pardon me."

  I try to slip around her.

  But the janitor sidesteps to block me.

  Her eyes of question.

  Holy god. What did I say about this being quicker than I expected? Well, spoken too soon, I guess.

  "Can I get the cleaning tool now?"

  She shakes her head. Hey, you just nodded a few seconds ago. This is a  scam!

The janitor says, "Not unless you tell me what you will do with them."

… Is the cleaning tool your children or something?

  Janitor: "They're like my children."

  Okay. Now I see it.

  I decide to explain it to her—well, in the most vague way as possible. I can't just say, 'a vampire just kills the entire population of mosquitoes and leaves the corpses on the floor. Can't even if I try to.

  My tongue would just stick in my throat.

  I think of words to calm down the glaring eyes. "Well, you see. You know the Occult Clubroom, yeah? Just around the corner from the school? It's been long since no one comes in there, so it's all dusty now."

  Her glaring eyes turn furious.

  I back away. Holy shit, they say women are scary and this one really is one. She might be just more than a woman.

  "Are you saying I don't do my job?" The janitor begins.

  "No. It's just… Um…" Man, I'm lost for words.

  The old woman strikes when I'm the most vulnerable. "Don't know how to explain?" I could hear a low mocking wheeze under her breath, "Hmph! Don't dream of ever asking me for my children again!"

  I put my forehead on my fist.

  Okay now, my plan to clean the clubroom will not happen now. I will never get the cleaning tool. How would you expect me to clean the mosquitoes? Eat them? Not even the vampire swallows down the mosquitoes.

… Well, I'm going now.

  The janitor nods with a grin, "I think it's time for you to go…"


  I don't want to argue with her anymore. I'm tired.

  When I turn around, I see the eyes of a girl who's been avoiding me for these past days.



  She looks beside me and returns to me. "Are you trying to flirt with the janitor now?"

  I can feel my rapid blinking.

  Oh, come on, why would I? "No. I was just trying to get the cleaning tool. But there seems to be some sort of Sphinx for the janitor's room."

  Annoying old woman janitor: "I heard that!"

  I know.

  Ayane tilts her head. "What do you need it for?"

  I reply. Now I know what to say. "Sweeping and mopping my new assigned clubroom."

  "Not hiding dead bodies?"

  "… What?"

  "Have you been committing a crime and wanted to dispose of the evidence?"


  "I see."

  How did you see it in that way?

  I sigh and shrug.

  Our last argument comes to mind. I've been trying to get to her ever since, but she's been missing. Well, missing from me. I just want to apologize.

  "Ayane… About the last--"

  Ayane throws her palm over my lips. "Save it for later."

  "Oh, okay."

  Better than nothing.

  She continues, "Now I'll like to help you with this. Watch and learn, Sensei."

  What an ironic line.

  Ayane walks past me and confronts the janitor.

  The old woman and the girl look at each other as if they're having a staring contest.

  The janitor blinks first. She stutters, "Wh—What do you want now, Ayane?"

  Ayane still doesn't blink. "I just want to tell you, you look pretty today."

… What?

  The janitor blushes.

… What the?

  "Th—Thank you, Little Ayane."

  Ayane nods. "Can I have the cleaning tool?"

  "Sure." The janitor beams. "Whatever for you, little Ayane."

… What the fuck?

  Seconds later, Ayane gets out of the room with a sweep and a mop with a bucket.

  She puts down the tools and gives her bow to the janitor, "Thank you. I will make sure these children of yours are safe in my hand."

  The janitor shyly laughs, "Oh, I know it'd be safe in your hand now, Ayane."

  "Is that so?"

  Ayane turns to me and gives me the mop and bucket.

  I'm ashamed that Ayane could deal with the janitor herself. She just bested me.

  "Thank you, Ayane."

  I try to reach for the sweep in her hand, but she quickly pulls it away.

  She glares at me. "What are you trying to do? Accidentally touch my boobs?"

  Is that even a 'do' action?

  "I'm obviously going for the sweep."

  She shakes her head, "No."


  "I'm coming with you."


  "Because I've promised the janitor that I will protect her children."

  "Oh, come on, they are not her children. Everyone sane knows that."

  Old annoying janitor with big ears: "I've heard that. I'm still here."

  We know that.

  I am in a dilemma. Bringing Ayane into the occult clubroom would be bad. I'm not worried if Ayane finds out there's a vampire in my clubroom, exorcist her or whatever. But I'm worried if the vampire would harm her. I want nothing to happen to her.


  She shakes her head again. "I know that look. No, stop trying. I'm coming with you no matter what."

  "But don't you have club activities now?"

  She snorts, "The only activities I usually do at this hour are expel Hell Creatures."

  So Ayane doesn't have a club for this year? Killing Hell Creatures doesn't sound like school-friendly.

  I almost want to point out back to the janitor and say, 'why don't you do it now?' But that'd be rude even for a joke. That I'm thinking about it showcase that I've been hanging out with the vampire too much. No word boundaries.

  But Ayane is right. I will not win an argument with her. Christ, she just demolished the janitor in less than a minute.

  I shrug. "Well, I have to say something to you, anyway."

  "Good," she smiles, "I have a ramen to claim from you too."

  I lift the tools, "Is that why you just came to me at all sudden? To claim your ramen?"

  She grips the sweep with both hands... and looks away. I can't see her face, but her voice is shaky. "That's one… But there's another reason. And I will not say it. Not now, Sensei."

  Whatever it is, it must be too embarrassing for her. I would like to hear it.