Chapter 66: Tch, Faster...

I am three times faster than the werewolf but the circumstances forces me not to move. This is not just about me anymore. It feels like you have another body when you're trying to defend someone. I see no other way but to hold my position. The next tooth would kill the ramen girl. I raise my beloved wooden sword for the last time probably. Still, it isn't enough to block the attack before breaking in two. I'd still have to take the hit. No other option. No idea. No thought.

Just a deer watching the lights grow.

I've been in this kind of situation before. This brightness stings my eyes. Until someone comes along to fulfill this hope. This decision slows me down. This wooden sword stands between me and the enemy once again.

There was lots of fire that day, warm and unharmful when it touched my skin.

There were a lot of cries, both humane and inhumane.

But the loudest and clearest sound I can recall is Sensei's words. His first lesson.

I grip the handle tighter and step back.

I do have an option. My eyes just have to find it. Just like before. Just like seven years ago—

Arrows, harm magic, swords, and blood— both from the exorcists and the demons— flying around the field nonstop as if they were an adjacent rain. I was only ten and gosh I stood out more than anyone else with nothing but my pajamas and tears in my eyes.

I cried for father, not to help but to grant me mercy. Once again he had thrown me onto a battlefield and disappeared afterwards. The exorcists warriors were a little shocked to see me but quickly continue on their business. It was the third time for most of them. They know I was undergoing my father's combat training and so this makes sense for them...?!

Oi, for real? Where's the sense of having a ten-year-old girl on a bloody battlefield?

I can't fight!

When something dangerous coming at my way, I dodged and ran away from them until the battle ended. We always wins. These happens so often that I got myself a name. The running child. You know, instead of just naming me here where, why doesn't anyone help me? Anyway, this strategy had worked just fine until this time. I had nowhere to run anymore. What's the point of inheriting the legs of my father when I can't use it, I thought. And lose my will to do anything but watch.

The ghouls spare me no time to think and jumps in.

I had never picked up a sword. When I tried to lift one off the ground, I failed. What's the point? I didn't know how to use them anyway. Like I said, I was ten.

So I only stand there, waiting for someone to save me or death to carry out my soul.

But neither of those came first, but a fire cutting of all the ghouls head and devours the remains to ashes.

Everyone shouted— the exorcists of victory, the hell creatures of warning: "He's here! Hell's Inferno!"

Hell Inferno. A fearless warrior who'd always does his own thing in his own way. His fire wielding skill has earned him the title Master. The exorcists, I've heard, had a bit of trouble of handling him. He has the tendency to do unexpected things. But everything he does always results in a hell for the Hell Creatures.

It was his eyes that caught my attention the first time I saw him. Soulless and infinite. The moment he stared back at me, I thought of one thing: nothing will stop him.

Then the cape of fires envelopes around us, warming my teary eyes. I feel safe.

The hell inferno throws something at me.

A wooden sword.

I pick it up, unknowingly that I will become his pupil.

Our eyes are still twinging at each others.

And his first words were, "Move fast, think faster."

My first lesson from Sensei.

Then, he turns back and dashes toward the horde of demons at the speed of anguish.

Um, so even my own Master is going to leave me— ehem, ten years old— alone on this battlefield.

Tch, fine. That's all right. I'll just have to learn how to use this sword.

Think faster.

I open myself to look around and find exorcist swordmens fighting. Come to think of it, the answer how to use sword has always been there-—

Just like then, I move.

The claw hits nothing the floor, creating strong gust around us as the werewolf laughs. "Big mistake, little one! Now," his piercing red eyes are focused on the sleeping power on the ground. One hand up the air over her. "—You're about to make me stronger- "


He had thrown his hands down to grab the ramen girl but my wooden sword slap it back.

He tried again, whack!

His ankle moves, whack!

He moves his chin to find me, whack!

"Y— You!"

And now the werewolf realizes of my plan. His big wide eyes satisfy me.

His finger moves, whack!

My eyes watch every little movement he makes. Every move he tries I deny.

It barely hurt. Every blow is intended to be minimum as possible. The harder I hit him, instead of hurting him, my wooden sword hurts.

My plan is to keep him frozen in his place, denying him from moving. But the werewolf struggled harder. I hit him harder. My sword cried harder. It can't last long!

God, where are all these people supposedly coming to help me?

"What are you doing? You barely hit me," it says. His eyes tracks mine, "What are you planning?"


I hit his face. Don't stare at me as if you've figured me out.

The werewolf chuckles, "You're fast but you hit like a little girl."

I hit him harder.

"You act so strong but sooner or later, everyone will find you a disappointment."


My grip tightens.


"You know the Blue Blood can also works on you humans. Why don't you try it yourself," his lips keep curving up. Make it stop! "Maybe that's the only way you can prove yourself to everyone."

"Shut the fuck up," I suddenly realize I'm screaming, "I will show them in my own way."

"You're weak."


It was the hardest and last blow. I watch as my sword breaking in two, crumbling all of my confidence, destroying my whole plan.

Just because of his stupid mouth.

But he's not wrong. I'm weak. I'm not good enough to be an exorcist.

Not yet.

I'm sorry Sensei.

The werewolf charges at me.

And so do the four figures behind me.

My job is done here.

