Ayane's Mystery.

My body's hair stands up when I pass the AC's store. If it's any other day, I'd walk back to back (we only use fan back at home so this feels like a blessing) but today I woke up in a cold. That usually means my body is telling me something bad is going to happen. At this point, I don't even know what can top the day I met with Remelia.

I put down the coffee can and vanilla bread on the counter. Why vanilla bread, you may ask? Because I read that vanilla may benefit your brain health. I come prepared as you can see. The counter girl scans them, received my money, and thank you'd so I can leave the long queue. Looks like everybody is buying chocolate bread today. How lucky.

When I get out the glass door, I heave in the morning air. I feel it's not enough so I take another deeper one.


Cough, cough.

Ayane panic and pats my back as I bend down to choke.

"S—Sensei, are you okay? Will it be my fault if you die today?"