Sure, Why Not Be My Phone.

What's going on exactly? If I play back their conversation slowly as if it's a recording tape: they're talking about how can the hoodie girl just pop out from Nelia's phone? And now Remelia has suspicion on her identity as a vampire. Though, I think she at least had given a few try to do it but fail quietly. 

Remelia raises her eyebrow, her eyes glowing as if prepared, "Appear upon my eyes with such a familiar form of my kind. Are you here to make a fool of me?"

The hoodie girl was speechless. It seems something wrong hit her and she's struggle to find the right word to say. Being the center of the room now, she searches a place to put her eyes on and it happens to be me—or rather, the phone in my shirt's pocket. I don't think this is going to end well.

The girl begins, "My lady, it seems, uh, you had a wrong impression of me."

"I thought you were us," Remelia sighs, "But I was embarrassingly mislead. I never felt so offended."