Okay, Wait Not Okay!

Something happened to Niisan. I had this suspicion from the very week day of this month. My Niisan had never been the talkative type before—or at least in front of me. He was socially awkward, always thinking too hard how to converse than naturally just talk. That's what you get for living almost your whole life in battles. Then come back one day and try to learn to live normally through the internet. If we were a slightly close back then, or if I'd realize he was bad at being 'human' and not actually hated me (his frowns back then actually because of there's more light here than where he usually were.) I would teach him myself. Now it was too late to do anything. It already stained his mind with horrible jokes you can find online. Though I'm glad he's improving now, I can't shake off this weird feeling. Niisan is hiding something.