Okay, A Journey Into The Unknown

What's the best time to sneak out of your house without your brother noticing, so you just can go investigate the place you'd visit tomorrow? One Ante Meridiem of course. Call it curiosity? Whichever drives me doing this crazy decision is, I have to prepare.

I push his door a little to confirm Niichan is sleeping. He must've been tired today.

When I visit the club tomorrow with Niichan, I have to blend in with, in his words, weirdos bunch. So after tonight, I'd be equip with much better understanding of the club. Ha, they can't help but to like me when they we met. Okay, I may sound like someone trying too hard—I also had searched online about Occult Clubroom, but it's not enough. I have to see it myself. Approach anything with plans. This how I have survived alone until Niichan lives with me.