Look, Egg!

- Easter 2023 Special -.

I walk in the room knowing full well it will not be just a quiet day. Today is Easter. Now, none of these guys are christian but that won't stop the…

Dozen of fresh eggs rolling around the floor.

Ho—How can Bobo let this happen, anyway? She's always so strict about the cleanliness of this room, given that she had OCD and all.

Then I see the answer why: Remelia is rolling a basket of eggs onto the floor. "Go, go, hatch and put chaos into the world. Just remember who freed you all!"

Oh, I see. That's why she let this happen. Bobo is just watching there, biting her lips and rubbing together her thighs as if she's going to piss herself.

These eggs are not even alive yet, and how does she even get this much eggs?

The door is open:

Nelia bumps on my back. "Pwah. Se—Sensei?"