Surely She'd Understand, Right?

The sound of spoon clanging with the plates had been the only noise from the start of our dinner. Usually, Lilly and I would get into a light arguments just about anything—whether she's right or wrong, I'd just let her win. I'd rather lose if I'd get to see her cheerful smile. But today is another story. For the first time in our years of living together, I made her sad.

Rightfully so, I think.

Maybe to her it wasn't a big deal to visit where I have spent my time a lot for this past week and would for many days to come. She only wants to show her care as a sister. Or maybe she wants to be a part of it. But to me, Lilly is the only family I had left in every world. I don't want something that can kill me near what I care. My head hurt just thinking about Remelia had seen her.