Woke Up In An Otome Game

In the world of Juhar, there lived the 5th Princess, 9th child of the emperor and 9th in line for the throne.

Topaz Wretaiar, the protagonist of the otome game, My Dearest, The Tragedy.

Long silky black hair.

Bright yellow eyes, often compared to mini suns.

White translucent skin.

All those assets combined with her calm demeanour, high intelligence, kindness along with her honesty and the main protagonist of game factor, made her irresistible to the six love interests of the game.

They were:

Horan Wretaiar, the 8th child of the emperor and the 3rd Prince.

Matthew Dolth, a Duke's son.

David Blights, a young Marquis.

Yeer Astaroth, a demoness.

Tera Everdeen, the world's first female billionaire.

Sapphia Ressance, the most powerful swordswoman.

And I almost forgot, there's a hidden one.

But I'll tell you about them later.

Why is it called 'The Tragedy'?

You might wonder.

Because in each of the routes, Topaz dies.

Let me explain.

Like any other otome game, there are good and bad ends. But My Dearest, The Tragedy has a unique feature. After the end of the plot is achieved, an automatic 10 years later feature activates. The protagonist's life 10 years later is shown. In those 10 years, Topaz is either on the verge of death and we witness her dying or her grave is shown (she's obviously dead) and the narrator explains her cause of death.


Why does she have to die every single time?

You might wonder.

The truth is that, this particular otome game was made to raise awareness of abusive relationships and what they can lead to if action isn't taken (it's quite extreme). That's why it never ends well. What I'm trying to say is:

All six of the love interests are or became abusive over time.

For example after on the' happy' endings, Horan had twisted Topaz's mind to such a high degree that she ended up descending into madness and dying.

No one would reach out to help because the love interest had grown either too influential or too powerful to stop by the time they noticed.

Topaz would be left to suffer either until she was killed or she became insane and killed herself.

That's why it was called a tragedy.

Many have tried to have permanently happy end in the game, but each time, they failed.

I was one of them.

As a very emotional person, I dedicated many hours of my days to achieve a 'true' happy end in that game. My conscience would loom over me each and every I failed and reminded of the implications of my failure and belittled me.

My conscience would ceaselessly tormented me with those words:

Look, because of you, she's had a miserable life.

Look what you have done.

She died so young, all because of you.

Because of you, she was mistreated.

She's starving, and it's all your fault.

All her friends have abandoned her because of you.

She's breaking down, the deadweight's fault.

You couldn't stop her from getting beaten to death.

If only you could have seen the red flags.

If you had made the right choices, she could have been happy.

So useless, you had one job.

You ruined her life.

You are a failure!

Should I even be the conscience of a deadweight like you?

Why can't you not be useless for once?

She died again, you monster.

Because of these words, I was driven to road called insanity. I knew it was just a game and that I shouldn't care much. At least, I convinced myself that of at first. But it was the art style was quite realistic and they didn't hold back showing us the abuse Topaz was going through. From the sounds effects down the injuries. They didn't hold back, even for a second. Witnessing this countless times made me forget it wasn't reality. Before I knew it, every day after coming from work, I would strive for Topaz's happy ending. It took over my life.

"Snap out of it!" My best friend Kirarin said to me one day while shaking me.

She had caught me muttering to myself in a depressed state for the third time that week.

"But…the happy ending?" I uttered while sobbing, "I can't let Topaz suffer like this, I can't!"

"Ajisai!" She yelled, "Topaz isn't real, she's just a program!"

"That's what I thought at first. But as time passed and played the game more, she became more than just a mere program or the protagonist of a game. She has become someone I have empathy for and want to help. Topaz is such a great person, she deserves that happy ending and I'm going to give it her!" I said passionately.

"Watch this video then." Kirarin sighed as she handed me her phone.

I found out what I told you earlier. A permanent happy ending is impossible in this game. The creators had put a note in game to tell us this, but no one read it. That's why a video was made by them to clarify why no one was achieving a happy ending permanently and the game's purpose.

My blood running through my veins felt colder by the millisecond as I watched it.

Everything was became a blur.

All the sounds around me started to become muffled.

It seemed as if all the activities within my system suddenly stopped.

I felt like I was shutting down.

Before I knew it, everything turned black.

I felt myself fall down.

But I couldn't do anything.

I wanted to ask Kirarin to bring to the hospital but I couldn't even do that.

This all happened within a few seconds.

"Ajisai!" Were the last words I heard before I disappeared from this world.


When I opened my eyes again, I believed I was in the hospital - I had the worst headache as well.

When I had a look at my surroundings however, I realised this was not the case.

A gigantic room.

And an enormous mirror in its midst.

Walls with extravagant designs - they were clearly gold plated.

The king sized bed I was on could be mistaken for a man made cloud because of its texture.

A small wooden desk and chair which seemed to have been polished a billion times in row.

A quill, some ink and an unreasonable amount of paper.

And last but certainly not least, about 5 maids asking me a million and fifty five questions with worried expressions at my bedside.

"Please wait a minute," I said, "I don't understand the situation at the moment."

My voice is so different, I thought, maybe its hoarse or something.

I decided to listen to the maids since they seemed to have something to say.

"I apologise, Lady Irisiez," said the shortest maid, "The shock most likely made you forget."

I-Irisiez!? Okay, I needed to figure out the current situation first, I thought.

"The young masters had a fight in the garden," The maid with glasses explained, " It escalated and you hit your head on the ground."

That explains my headache.

"I see," I replied, "Thank you for the explanation, you may all withdraw."

"Yes." They said in unison and swiftly left the room.

After I made sure they had left, I pinched myself to see if it was a dream. Since it hurt, I took a deep breath, slowly rolled out of the bed and walked towards the mirror. Who I saw when I looked in the mirror wasn't Chuiri Ajisai. My bright green eyes (teal in some lightings) and my dark brown hair had disappeared. Instead a 5 years old with white hair, crimson eyes and very pale skin greeted my vision. I knew it, I thought.

What did you know?

You might wonder.

I reincarnated as Irisiez R. Dolth, the villainess of My Dearest, The Tragedy. She was born in one of the three ducal families within the game. Her family was full of talented swordsmen and political geniuses. Unfortunately, she wasn't born a genius like the rest of her brothers and wasn't fit for swordsmanship. She didn't have magic and couldn't strengthen her body with it, like the rest of the family could.

Small Note:

Irisiez doesn't have mana - mana is the source of magic - that's why she can't use magic.

End of Note.

Because of this, she felt like an outcast in her own family and felt inferior to them. To add more on her plate, her family constantly made her feel like a burden. Because of this, she ruthlessly bullied those who she felt were inferior to her. Unfortunately, Topaz was one of them. Due to getting along well with her (Irisiez's) family, Topaz was treated worst than the others.

But wasn't she a princess?

You might be saying right now.

She was the last child of the emperor, meaning last in line. The last children in line were usually disregarded and were simply backups if the first and middle children died. Due to this, the rest of the family and nobles disregarded them. That's why Irisiez looked down on her. However, Topaz started to develop a talent in magic and gaining a better reputation. After that, Irisiez, realising she was no longer inferior, left her alone for a time. Unfortunately, jealousy overruled her only disrespect the inferior rule and attempted to frame Topaz. Of course, it didn't work and all the love interests banded together for the first time (also only time) and tortured Irisiez. After that, she was burned alive.

That happens in all the happy routes in the game.

Then all you have to do is be nice, right?

You might be saying.

But I discovered that it wouldn't ensure my survival.


One day, I played the villainess route a few times. I was nice to Topaz and didn't frame her. But I ended dying anyway. Why? Either because one of the love interests were jealous of me or because my family found a reason to dispose of me. That happened every time.

In other words, I was doomed either way!

I started pacing around the room, desperately digging my brain for some kind of survival plan.

After an undetermined period of time, I had concocted a plan.

I would duel the heir to the throne and become Empress.


The duel that was mentioned is a life and death battle against a member of the Nobles Association or the imperial family. The battle will be witnessed by many. Once the battle is over, a certain position can be assumed (like heir of the royal family) or a reward.

The first prince was known to have won many duels. It was often mentioned in the game.

End of Note.

What? Why?

You might wonder.

Once I become Empress, I could change certain laws. For example, human rights. I also would have power over all of the nation. Since one of the love interests was a prince, this position will be useful. Not only that, I would be able to dissemble certain noble families. And the most important thing. My 'family' wouldn't be able to make decisions for me, like choosing who I will marry. I almost forgot the ultimate point. My goal from my previous life, saving Topaz would be achievable! Since this was now real, there was no reason why I couldn't twist the plot and plan a bit.

How are you going to save Topaz?

You might wonder.

By giving her the title of Honorary Empress. If I give her that position, she will be free from the love interests' grasp and I can keep a close eye on her - I'll ask her permission first before doing any of those things.

Note 2:

The Honorary Empress is the 2nd most powerful woman in the empire. She is nominated by the Empress herself. She assists the Empress in her duties and has the same level of authority as her in most circumstances. Unless the Empress objects, she is free to make decisions on political and governmental affairs.

End Of Note.

I sat on my overly polished chair and wrote down my plans. I wrote in a different language and my hand seemed used to wielding a quill. Just as I finished writing my plan, a giant wave of pain hit my head. I had almost forgotten about the fall. As I decided to go and rest, I was struck by a bolt of lightning. I could use this accident to my advantage. Just as I thought that, I fell asleep.


After what I presumed to be a few hours later, I was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked as wiped the dirt of my eyes.

"It's your favourite brother~!" A voice resembling an anime idol said.

"Urgh…" I muttered under my breath.

"Come in," I said, albeit reluctantly.

It was Marvin, one of my brothers. He looked like your typical tween, except the victorian style suit and eye and hair colour. It was the same as me. Contrary to what his sweet smile and demeanour might indicate, he was foul mouthed and violent.

Note 3:

Ajisai gained Irisiez memories when she woke up. She forgot to mention this detail.

End of Note.

The previous week alone, he tripped Irisiez over 30 times a day! It was a miracle she hadn't a concussion then. But that's not all. He would throw pebbles at her whenever he could and belittle her every action. Irisiez would cry a lot and beg him to stop, but he wouldn't. Because of this, she avoided him at all costs.

Why would I let him in my room?

Because he'd break the door anyway.

"Hi Empress of ****, hope you die!" He said cheerfully as he came in.

"Good afternoon, the poisoned mouthed resident of my home, whom happens to be my shameful excuse of a brother," I replied with a smirk.

"Ha, you think I care if ****'s ashamed of me?" He replied triumphantly after a slight pause.

"Same for both of us then," I retorted.

His mouth was left agape by my statement.

"I'll destroy your jaw if you say one more word," He threatened.

"Oh, is that so?" I replied.


"What is it, Mr. Venomous, puss filled, maggot infested ****?" I teased, "Go ahead, destroy it."

"You asked for it!" He said with an anger filled expression.

When I didn't cower in fear when he reached for my jaw, he withdrew his hand in shock.

"What is it, are you scared?" I scoffed, "So you're scared of 5 year olds now, how pitiful."

"You've gone mad," he muttered, "There's no point…"

After he said that, he left with an irritated look on his face and slammed the door.


Marvin's Side

I will never forget it, the day my sister stood up for herself for the first time. She was usually a pushover and since I felt extreme pressure from father and the rest to keep up my grades and not to shame the family name, I had no mercy towards her. Since my sister wasn't like the rest of us, I used that as an excuse to let my stress out on her. Eventually, I became addicted to her cowering in fear, begging me to stop with teary eyes. I had become someone akin to a sadist. Since father ignored my behaviour, I felt like I could go on forever. Since she never changed.


"Good afternoon, the poisoned mouthed resident of my home, whom happens to be my shameful excuse of a brother."

I had planned to make her cry - I was willing to do this even when she was sick - but I didn't for her to call out my behaviour. Even the way she looked me was different. She looked at me as if I was nothing but a bug to step on. Regardless of the warning signs, I decided to go further.

"Same for both of us then."

Is what I got instead of cries and complaints. Once I figured out what she was trying to say, I couldn't believe my ears. My crybaby of a sister would never think of such a retort. I threatened her so she would cower, but she wasn't even fazed.

"What is it, Mr. Venomous, puss filled, maggot infested ****?" she teased, "Go ahead, destroy it."

My anger boiled.

I'll make you scared, I said to myself.

I reached for her jaw, and she looked into my eyes.

It wasn't the same as before.

Not at all.

It felt as if I was a rabbit and I reached for a wolf's jaw.

It didn't feel worth it.

I knew that I was much stronger than her but, I had a foreboding feeling in my gut that stopped me.

In fact, my hand was yelling for me to stop.

And I did.

After I withdrew my hand, instead of a sigh of relief, she mocked me.

That was, very much unlike her. She had changed. Definitely. She probably burst a brain vessel, I thought. I was so afraid of her sudden confidence in fact, that I ran away, like the coward that I was at the time.

Little did I know, that this was the first of many changes in Irisiez.

End of Side.


After he left, I let out a sigh of relief.

I was glad that worked.

Why are doing such reckless things?

You might wonder.

I've seen people like him all the time in my previous life. So I knew exactly how to handle him.

What if that didn't work?

If he started to try something, I could simply ring the bell that was right next to me. Or I could dodge.

Anyways, this interaction with my brother emphasised the need for me to start the first phase plan as soon as possible.

What is that?

To get stronger, gain knowledge and increase my room's security.

But before I could start, I decided to craft a schedule for myself.

First, I rang the bell.

Soon after, there was knock on my door.

"You may enter."

"My lady, you called?" The maid with glasses from earlier said.

Her name was Julie.

"Yes," I replied, "Thank for coming."

"It is only natural," Julie said, "You dressed yourself?"

Ah. I forgot to mention it. After Marvin left, I went to bathe and got dressed. It's such an automatic thing for me to do that I forgot noble children didn't do that. I face palmed in my head.

"I did," I replied, "I also bathed."

Julie seemed shocked for moment, but quickly went back to her normal expression.

"I see…" she whispered to herself.

"Julie," I said, "How are you, you seemed distressed this morning."

"I am well, thank you for your concern, my lady."

"In that case, can you please write my usual schedule on this piece of paper?" I said as I handed her a piece of paper and a quill (ink was on it) from my desk.

Huh, why?

You might wonder.

I'll tell you after.

"Of course," she replied.

She wrote down my schedule within 2 minutes without a single mistake.

"Thank you Julie," I said as I had a look at my schedule, "You may withdraw."

"Julie," I uttered as she reached for the handle, "Please ask Father when he will be available, I need to ask him a favour."

"Of course, my lady." After she said that, she disappeared.

After Julie left, I started editing my schedule.

So, why was I asking Julie to write down and why was I editing it?

Why was I asking for an appointment with my father?

Because the next day, I was planning to show him my edited schedule and convince him to change it. Since he's the duke, he has many meetings to attend and countless duties. That's why I thought it was best, even if I'm his daughter, to schedule an appointment.

Small Fact:

In Juhar, the head of the household (in noble families) controls the children's educational schedule.

End of Fact.

It only had arts and etiquette in the lessons section. There wasn't a single lesson about politics nor martial arts of any sort, unlike my brothers. Usually, noble ladies were discouraged from having such lessons. I didn't have magic for obvious reasons. I decided to take away some of the excessive etiquette lessons and replace them with martial arts, weapon training and magic research.


Once you're going to be Empress, aren't knights going to protect you?

You might be saying.

That might be the case, but the knights proclaim themselves a sword for their master. A sword needs a competent wielder not a weak and unskilled one.

If that's the case, why not just give orders?

Won't there be a commander?

You might be saying.

Though they might proclaim themselves as swords, they're not only that. They are part of the people I would vow to protect in my coronation and if I don't, I would fail as an Empress. If I place the responsibility on others and claim I did it, it doesn't seem fair. It's not only for Topaz, it's for the others too. In the game, the people were oppressed by the love interests and were had small pieces of of bread to live on. Emaciated dead children were commonplace in the roads. Yet, the rulers of the empire turned a blind eye.

How does this relate with fighting?

I wanted to fight and take down the oppressions and fight for my future people. Those people (the oppressors), I know they will use brute force - like kidnapping or murder - and petty tricks. That's why I want to be ready.

Now I didn't have to look at the screen and grit my teeth and because I couldn't do anything, I would and I knew I could.

Anyways, I slightly digress.

After some thought, I decided to keep etiquette and arts in my schedule. My father would probably object to his daughter becoming a muscle head. And plus, if I was going to be Empress, I needed to be graceful and polite to give an example to the empire. I also wanted to be taken seriously by other nations and being rude and uneducated wouldn't help. It was indeed boring from what I saw in Irisiez' memories, but it had to be done.

After that, I rang the bell and asked for some food and a drink.

Then, I fell asleep.

I needed it, since my headache was coming back and I had a big day ahead…