I've been sulking a lot. I know Daddy is getting tired of seeing my grumpy face but I couldn't help it. I needed some special alone time with him but Mom just wouldn't leave us alone. And to add to my torture I was sitting right next to him on the couch, feeling his hard body next to mine and I couldn't do anything about it.
We were watching some inane tv program I had stopped paying attention to long ago. My kitty was tingling again, and I really needed to play with my Daddy's cock something fierce. I let out another huff of frustration and I could see Daddy grin down at the book he was reading.
"What's the matter Peanut?" Mom sits up looking across Daddy at me.
"Nothing Mom. I'm just bored. This program is boring. Today is boring."
"My, my - you're a grumpy girl aren't you? I know. I'll get you and Daddy a snack. Maybe that will make you feel better?" I felt bad. I know what I was doing and thinking was wrong. Playing around with my Mom's husband was not only betraying her but wanting to fuck my stepdad was probably the dirtiest thing in the world.
"Thanks, Mom. That will be nice."
"Yes please, honey. But it's getting quite late so I think you might as well start with dinner? Do you need a hand?"
"Oh what a good idea! No, thank you. I have it covered."
I watched as Mom walked to the kitchen and looked up at Daddy. My eyes begged him for some extra attention.
"Yes, sweet girl. Climb on here to Daddy's lap. I'll give you some cuddles."
I eagerly crawled onto his lap knowing that Mom wouldn't think twice about it. We have always been very close and he practically raised me, so I liked climbing onto his lap. I settled on his lap, my back leaning against his. My bum firmly planted on a very hard, very big cock. I loved feeling how hard he got for me. It was one of my favourite things in the world. I wiggled on his lap and he groaned into my shoulder. Softly biting me.
When that didn't work to get me to sit still his hand sneaked over my lap and under my skirt. Teasing the soft skin of my inner thigh but not giving me what I want. Not touching my kitty like I have been craving for him to do. I still wiggled on his lap and his hand dug into my thigh and he growled into my ear.
"Bunny. Sit. Still. Or I'll stop playing with you and send you to your bedroom."
I instantly stilled. And my kitty got extra wet at the sound of his voice growling in my ear. Just as he he softly kissed my neck and settled back into the couch with his book in the other hand Mom came walking back into the lounge.
"Here darlings. I brought you something to drink." She smiled at us fondly, when she realised I was on Daddy's lap.
"You know I have to say I love that you guys can still be close like this. It's amazing that you have this bond. My friends complain that their teenagers are impossible and distant. Thank you Peanut for being so sweet and good to us."
Now, I know. I know. I should feel like a cow. But all I could think about was Daddy's hard cock against my bum. All I could think about was getting him to take off my pink cotton panties and pushing those big fingers into my kitty.
"Thanks, Mom. I love you both and I don't see any reason to not show it. And thanks for the juice mom. While you're here and up - can you please give me a blanket. I'm feeling a little chilly."
"Probably because you insist on wearing those ridiculously little skirts." she tuts at me, but still gives me the blanket that is kept on the lounge for this very reason. Little did she know I wore these little skirts so I could tease her husband. So I could distract him with little peaks of my panties. So I could entice him into playing with my kitty every chance we got.
"Thanks, Mom." I settle back into Daddy's lap as she opens the blanket and gently lowers it over us. When she leaves the room again Daddy's hand slips back under again. This time his fingers go directly for my kitty. His finger rubs over my panties, finding my clittie with scary accuracy. I struggle to sit still and his other hand drops his book next to us and reaches for my throat.
When he gets dominant like this I could practically cum right there.
"Sit still, and keep still Bunny. Or I will bend you over this coffee table and fuck you right here where your Mom can see. So she can see who owns you."
That isn't quite the deterrent he thinks it is because there is nothing I want more than Mom knowing that he is my Daddy and only I can make him feel this way. But I know I have to keep quiet because if Mom really found out what we were doing she would go insane. She would never understand and Daddy could get into a lot of trouble. And as much as I wanted to claim his as mine and mine alone, I didn't want him to get into trouble so I resolved myself to keep quiet and bit down on my lip when his finger slid in underneath my panties. My head fell back against his shoulder opening up my neck, giving him better access and he took advantage of it.
He softly kissed, licked and bit at my neck. Alternating the bites with soft kisses to soothe the sting.
"Daddy… I think we might need to take my panties off so you can have better access." I whisper at him, hoping he will give in to my request.
"That my sweet Bunny is a wonderful idea. Up you get." He nudges me off his lap and positions me so I am standing up in front of him. His hands slip in underneath my skirt and he quickly slips the panties down my legs. When his hands and my panties were down around my ankles it had his face and mouth right in line with my now bare, naked kitty. While I stepped out of the panties, he buried his nose in my kitty and gave it a big lick. It took all of my willpower to not make a noise.
"While I have you standing right here in front of me, I think you need to take my cock out so he can get some fresh air. Don't you?"
I eagerly bend over him, reaching into his pants so my hand can wrap around his hard erection. I love the smooth velvety feel over the hard steel of his cock. Since we started playing together I haven't really had a chance to play with his cock as Daddy only liked to give me attention and I was a little sad that I still wouldn't be able to play with him now, but there was nothing stopping me from placing a quick kiss on his cock so I did just that. I licked at the head and gave it a quick kiss before quickly turning around.
Daddy's hands went up to my waist, underneath my skirt. Holding on to my hips tightly. I knew what he wanted to do. I wanted it too. I wanted it so much that I wasn't going to give him a chance to think about it too much so I lowered myself so my dripping wet kitty was lined up with his cock just so. One of his hands went down to hold it and help push it into my tight cunt.
His head breached my kitty and I moaned out loud.
"What's that Peanut?" Mom called from the kitchen.
"Nothing Mom! I just found something to watch on the TV that I like." I quickly grabbed the remote and changed the channel to my favourite music channel to cover my lie. As I turned up the volume Daddy pushed me down on his cock hard. When I settled back onto his lap I realised he hadn't put on a condom and I felt a secret little thrill. I knew from listening to him and mom talk that he didn't even do this with her. So him being bare inside me was something special between the two of us.
I lay my head down on Daddy's shoulder. I felt so full. It was perfect. Daddy pumped his hips up into my kitty slowly and gently. His one hand above the blanket holding the book up again. Pretending to read. His other hand was under the blanket, under my skirt. His finger rubbed my clit in soft circular motions.
I in turn ground my kissy down onto him. Moving with his motions. My eyes strayed to the door every now and then to be sure mom wasn't coming. Things really heat up and Daddy started thrusting up into me harder. He softened his groans by pressing his mount into my shoulder. Softly biting me.
"Bunny we need to stop. Daddy isn't wearing a condom."
"It's okay Daddy. I don't mind"
"No, no sweet girl. We can't get you pregnant. How on earth would we explain that to your mom?"
He moved to push me off my lap, but lucky for me, that is exactly when Mom came walking back into the lounge. She walked past us and sat down next to Daddy on the couch. Placing a kiss on his cheek before she settled back in. Daddy's hand on my kitty stilled at first, then went to my hip as if to push me off his lap. I wasn't going to have any of that though and sighed softly as I murmured,
"Daddy I am so comfy on your lap right now. I could just fall asleep right here."
Mom gave me a smile and looked back towards the TV. I was going insane. This was so naughty and taboo. Daddy's big, hard cock in my tight, bare kitty. Filling me up so nicely. I couldn't help myself. I knew he was going to be mad. And I would probably regret it. But I was going to do it anyway.
And just as I made the decision one of my favourite songs came up on the tv and I took it as a sign from the universe that it was time for me to take the next step. I started moving my hips on Daddy's lap. Timing my moves to the beat of the music. Daddy let the hand with the book lower down only my lap and his other hand dug into my hip as if he was trying to get me to sit still.
I wouldn't have it.
I carried on moving over him. My hips ground down onto his cock. His breathing increased and I was really terrified that mom was going to realise what was happening. But at this point, I was beyond caring enough to stop because feeling his bare erection moving inside me had me delirious with need.
"Peanut, you have to slow down there, you're gonna break your Daddy's lap." I ignored her and carried on 'dancing' on Daddy's lap.
"She's fine honey, it'll be no time before she won't be seen dead on my lap, I'll enjoy it while I can," he says in a whisper. It must have been really hard for him to get a decent sentence out.
As the music hits a crescendo I increase the tempo of my moves and Daddy's other hand drops the book altogether and digs into my other hip. He gently thrusts up into my kitty and I can feel him filling me with his warm cum. The feeling of having him cum inside me is enough to push me over the edge and I feel the orgasm flowing over my body. A slow languid pleasure descends me and I fall back against Daddy's chest as the song ends.
"So dramatic Peanut!" Mom laughs at me.
If she only knew.