
0.5 || Case Note

Genevieve impulsively screamed, slamming her palms onto the desk; even objects wouldn't escape her wrath. "He shouldn't have lived!"

Ejiro scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Yep, because we would have loved him spilling his guts one way or another."

Genie glanced at him darkly, and he put his hands up in surrender.

Chimaobi Abiola showed no hesitation in pinching his twin, watching in satisfaction when Ejiro winced. Using all of the energy from his reserves to fight his timid nature, around his crush especially - he spoke. "Wha-t's the-th big de-al-l?"

Genie swung her murderous glare toward Chimaobi like a sword, and he flinched as if he'd been pierced. "It's that dean," She spat venomously, screwing her face up. "She has a vendetta against me."

Elias snorted humorlessly, twisting the silver rings around his fingers. There was something of charm in how his low voice never matched the lilt it held. "Everyone has something against you. Whether they smile to your face while thinking about stabbing you or bluntly reveal their undying hatred like Yun."

She eyed him blandly, raising from her seat, taking steady steps toward his desk. Other board members flinched for Elias, but he, himself didn't budge which only agitated her all the more.

Leaning over his desk, Genevieve scowled. "So? You have something against me, too?"

He smirked, and its beauty only angered her more. But another charm of his, he knew he was smart and so he used the brain he knew he had. "It's not about if I like you or not. I know what I want and I'll join whichever side to get it. We both know I wasn't gifted with patience, so I've already chosen a side."

Those words calmed her down, right, we're all selfish like that. Her face relaxed into a disinterested glance in Chimaobi's direction when he started to stammer again. "S-o, wha-t will you-you do?"

Her lip pulled back in a smirk, her canines seemed to glint almost predatorily at that moment. "I'll watch Yun play and see what kind of hand she has. It should be interesting."

So it would. It always was whenever a game had an unpredictable wild card.

And that wild card was Claudette Anisua Madle. Sure, she might've been amongst them, but she was tired of their tyranny. Flame in hand, Claudette was ready to burn their towers down.