Baby steps

= 3 Months time skip =

[Finally!!! some mobility]

After some extra months of 'baby training' I have really good control over my body so now I can point and grab stuff pretty reliably which will help me communicate without appearing suspicious.

In these months things have been pretty calm, nothing out of the ordinary has happened but I've been trying to get as much information as I can about my parents and the world around me. So far it's been interesting and hard at the same time.

First of all, my parents' personalities are more charming than I gave them credit initially, my mom is always gushing about me but she is pretty playful. she tries to play with me every time she can as if she were a sister. but she is still new to being a parent and worries about me to an annoying degree.

As for my dad, he's pretty chill. I heard that he is working for the police force but I have no idea what kind of position he has. As for affection, he obviously loves me since I only see him smile while he sees me or my mother, this is really clear when we go grocery shopping.

And for how I got treated in here, it is still pretty humiliating, I have come to terms with the fact that I'm a girl now. But I still refused to be girly, of course, was not an easy task.

I began using toys that I liked more, which was more obvious than expected, so things like dolls and classical baby dolls got no attention while plushies and legos got my full attention. Surprisingly, the first to notice was my dad who immediately thought that I was a weird girl but still went out of his way to notify my mother to buy me more 'puzzle' toys.

I'm indebted to him, since now I'm drawing in plushies of different materials and very interesting games: I have 4 lego sets and some other puzzle games that I try to complete, even if they are meant for children, they are more entertaining than the old dolls.

[I still need him to buy me something]

It seems that my dad is too shy to do something, so today will be the day that I will try to break him into pampering me. To be fair, he is probably the one who wants to do it more but he is just shy.

Today is also the day where I get to free-range the house, I have practiced my crawling in my carpeted bedroom and now, mom has let me actually explore my house. These overlapping events are obviously not a coincidence.

I look at the clock, 6:27 PM, my dad should be near the house right about now so I craw all the way into the entrance. The front door actually leads into the living room which is also combined into the kitchen. My mom is currently cooking dinner while I reach the door and wait.

My dad opened the door, he removes his shoes before entering the living room and notices me. Both of us stare at each other for a few seconds before he begins speaking.

"I'm home"

"Welcome home dear!!"

My dad continue to stare at me while removing his tie and trench coat putting them into the hat stand that he used for his trenchcoat... for some reason.

"What do you want Tomomi?" he asked while looking at me.

I raise both of my arms towards him, he is frozen in place and he looks at my mom in search of answers.

"hu fu fu~ I think she wants you to hold her dear" My mom says while still cooking the vegetables.

My dad approaches me and crouches down, even then he is still way taller than me, I try to reach for him and almost fall flat on my face, but my dad caches me and pulls me up.

"Now what?" He says while holding me from my armpits, I hear my mom chuckle at how he is holding me.

"You should hold her a little bit more carefully, she could slip up and fall down" my mom said, my dad immediately complies and holds me close to his chest.

[Damm, my mom really knows how to control this man]

My dad goes to the couch in front of the Tv and puts me in his lap, I just lean my back on him exploring what he is doing. He pulls up the newspaper and starts reading it in silence while looking at me occasionally.

As he reads through I also put attention to the news, until I see an image my dad on the news in one of the medium size stories, the one that covers 1/3 of the page.

' Former Chief of Police Apprehends and arrest 3 villains at the same time!!!'


[Dad did that?]

I unintentionally tried to grab the news page before my dad turns the page, he notices this and pulls the paper closer to me.

"That's me Tomomi" He says as he points at the picture, Indeed is him, he has 3 people in front of a store with cuffed hands while he is on top of the bigger one, it seems it has some sort of mutation quirk which gives him skin resembling concrete.

I gawk in amusement as I read the paper, it describes how he handled 3 known robbers with ease while on his way to his home.

[So that's why he was a bit late yesterday]

Suddenly I hear a shutter sound effect, both I and dad look at the side to see mom with a toothy grin while laughing.

"You really act alike!!! true cuteness has been achieved!!!" she says as she shows us her phone. I see the picture of me and dad reading the newspaper, I look at my dad who is incapable of hiding his smile at the picture.

[He does like it, I mean is a great picture]

"I see... I need to buy a phone" He says while pondering, my mom seems shocked but quickly leans in with a testing smile.

"Only your daughter would make you buy a phone..." she pecks him, " and for taking pictures"

"Sure... since you're here then I will assume dinner is ready" his cheeks are a nice shade of pink, embarrassed but still has his sharp gaze.

"Of course"

[I made dad buy a phone for taking pictures of me... somehow I'm proud of myself for that]

I giggle a bit, and soon, my mom and dad were having dinner, I didin0t since I still needed to be breastfed fed but I couldn't stop eyeing the food.

[Can't wait until I have real food]