
The aftermath of the clothing store incident as I'm calling it right now is that we left with a bunch of clothes form, not surprising in any way, shape, or form, but a victory nonetheless I guess?

A lot of skirts, shirts of a variety of types that even I don't know the name of and some pants. The last one ae actually something I requested, even if I can wear a skirt is not something that I'm very comfortable doing every day... It is very hard to break my own self-consciousness about spreading my legs lightly.

It is a habit and a hard one to break at that, Since I'm a girl now, it is possible to close my legs completely without the risk of excruciating pain, I also realized pretty late that I indeed needed to wear skirts if I wanted to go to UA at any capacity since the normal school uniform consists of skirts, buttoned shirts, blazers and a tie for some reason.

[They do look stylish in those uniforms though]

I would look weird in those? I have no idea at the moment since I can't guess what I would look like in 13 years or so. My mom's looks are pretty close to mine so I can guess how I would look but I'm also my dad's child so that can give some influence or so biology tells me.

[I do look way too similar to mom]

I have the looks of my mom but the personality of my dad apparently, I do sympathize with my dad a lot more than my mom since my mind is a bit more mature than the one of a normal 2-year-old.

[I areas somewhere that daughters liked their dad more, and that sons liked their mothers... I don't really have any form of proof of that though]

Not a very informative or useful idea, but it was something I guess.

With the date of entry for the preschool, we had to get some school supplies and a school bag for my 'debut' in a school, it was frankly a stupid concept to consider like that but my mom's excited face did make me shut my mouth to not ruin the mood, which my dad approved that action, apparently, he thought the same as me, but let it slide since his wife said it.

We got all the utensils on the list that they gave us, it wasn't even that difficult really since it only included things like pencils, an eraser, glue, scissors, notebooks, and the likes. The shopping trip at the mall was definitely a plus though.

It is quite the mall we entered, it was one of those big ones that had third floors, each floor had a function with the first one being more of a grocery store, the seconds one had a lot tech in it, computers parts, some weird gadgets, and cellphones while the third one was for miscellaneous things like an arcade.

I absolutely decked dad on the fighting game even though I'm pretty sure he held back a lot since my coordination is still not very good, it definitely does not resemble the insane finger movements that I could pull off in y previous life while playing fighting games.

[Just wait a few years before I absolutely destroy you]

On the way back we encountered a problem that was quickly dealt with.

Someone pickpocketed my mom's wallet and I noticed it since the dude had the word 'sketchy' written all over him, but before I could even react by yelling my dad immediately apprehended him with a tonfa that he pulled out of nowhere. a single downwards swing on his left shoulder got him clutching it in pain while he collapsed on the floor.

Apparently, he has an extendable tonfa, it is mostly hollow so it relies on the sturdiness of the metal alloy to not bend immediately, generally, h uses a completely solid one that weighs like 2 Kilos each, those pack a punch if you're not careful at all.

Apart from my dad absolutely destroying someone's shoulder, nothing else happened, I guess tasting ice cream made from cookies was a good encounter with one of my favorites flavors but it was not a life-defining experience.

[...Or so my parents told me]

It is now the time for me to attend school.

"Is gonna suck" I say absentmindedly while looking into the window, the buildings are passing at an acceptable speed while traveling to the preschool in my dad's car.

"Is not that bad! there are definitely a lot of good things about going to school" My mom assure me from the front seat of the car, while I was busy dangling my feet from the backseat.

"Like what?"

"Uhh let's see, You can make friends your same age, you can play with other children, you will learn a lot of things and you will have fun wherever you wanted or not!"

"I don't think the last one sounds quite right but is mostly true what your mom is saying" My dad adds to mom's comments, he seems also very interested in having

"Just give it a try Tomomi! this is not something you an experience again" My mom says the whole reminiscing something.

"I guess that's true"

[That's a fair point, even if I'm reincarnated it would be good to see how other children ct to copy them... or just having a social life would be pretty decent]

After having stopped the car I'm simply led to a what looked like a stereotypical school, it was comprised of two distinct buildings that had 8 different rooms, apparently, we had to stay in this type of school until we were 5 - 6 years old so the division was done with years.

Basically, kids were divided by how many years you have been in school, from 1 to 3, there was also a division between classes, being class A and B.

[Seems like classes with letters are common here]

There were also common in my old country so I have absolutely no problem with it, it was just a curious remark that no matter in what universe I was, something just never changed. In the end, there were 6 classes, Class A from 1 - 3 and Class B from 1 - 3, pretty standard stuff.

[But I don't have any clue if this is intentional though]

Since we register at the age of 2 or 3 years old, it makes either Class 2-A/B or Class 3-A/B the classes where one would develop their quirk by default. SO theoretically, Class 1-A/B was entirely composed of people without powers.

Now, this was a curious thing since it could be the case that this was supposed to make people, especially children, get acquainted with people who simply had no superpowers from an earlier age to try to decrease discrimination in some way.

[Now that is very naive]

Unlike what our parents or life teach us, whatever we learn at school from an early age is at most a guideline and not a rule. So having us mingle with each other will at most, not make a difference, and at worst it could make bullying more prominent.

[It takes a bit of effort to reprimand your own children effectively, not many people are willing to do this I guess]

I sigh at the view of the school, the wiring in my brain already making me start getting sleepy at the mere thought of being in whatever classroom-like stuff we are going to do.

"Yup, it's going to be boring"