Preschool Memories

"So how's school?"

"It's alright"


It's been a month since I entered preschool, which resembles more a kindergarten more than anything. My mom has been pestering me with questions about how I feel about it, as one can see, I'm not very interested in it if at all, this is an obvious outcome since I unironically have higher IQ than these kids and trying to make friends with them is frustrating at best.

[I guess I could indulge my mom a bit more]

"School been fine, I'm having fun while playing in recess but everything else is boring!" I say while flailing my arms around to catch my mom's attention.


"Yeah! we have been doing math, but the teacher insists on making the numbers fruits!"

"I see" My mom simply sighs in relief while continuing to cook.

[If she knew I was destroying these kids in their little games, would she be mad at me?]

It was an inevitability that my critical thinking skills would make me better than my peers at playing tag, I also became known for simply bringing some toys like yo-yos or those spinning tops at school, making half the children interested in them and them promptly getting said toy banned in the preschool.

"Anything else of interest?" My dad asks, making me wake up from my mischievous deeds in the preschool. I simply began to scratch my head trying to remember anything else of note has happened.

[Let's see, The kids believe me some sort of popular star because of 'acting like a grown up' by beating boys in their games, I made decent drawing while in school, I got my homework done extremely fast... none of these is even worth mentioning... oh I know!]

"There's this kid that had been annoying me lately" I say to my dad while focusing on my drawing.

"Annoying you?" Dad raised an eyebrow at that.

"Yes! he is like calling me dumb and stuff every time for no reason and it's becoming annoying" I say while simply coloring my drawing. Both of my parents simply look at each other in a bit of confusion before simply patting my head.

"Well, be a little patient" My dad says, it seemed that he understands that I'm more mature than the other kids, but I have other ideas in mind.

"I'm gonna punch him tomorrow" I say bluntly, my dad stopped patting me while I heard my mom giggle a bit.

"Don't get in trouble Tomomi"

"Don't worry dad! My punches are like pistols, he won't know what hit him"

Dad simply thinks about it for a few seconds before nodding and continuing to read his newspaper, I look at my mom who simply gave us a disapproving look before muttering something about my dad being a 'fool for his daughter'.

At the end of the next day, I did end up punching him with him, and he was none the wiser.

I began with my homework, this is one for the end of the school year for our passing grades. as for the homework itself, is a simple 5 questions about my goals and family. I did manage to get my parent's input on this since it was technically necessary.

[I did cheat those in my previous life as if I was going to interview 10 randoms for homework before]

"Question number 1~, ¿What do your parents work for?"


"A Happy or a sad one?"

"Happy one!"


As I noted in my notebook the answers from my mom I turned to my dad while handing him the theoretical microphone (A water bottle) and proceeded to ask him the same question.

"¿What do you work for?"

"Ex-Chief of police, so a normal cop"

"A good one or a bad one?"

"A good one... or so I'm told"

"Okay! thanks for answering!"

My dad nods while mom simply ruffles my hair while overseeing me scribbling the answers to the best of my abilities. It is quite a scene for me since I'm not accustomed to actually having relatives fill these questions. the only one that I have to answer for myself is the last one and the one of the most obvious.

[Well it makes sense but is quite unproductive in my opinion]

"What do you want to be in the future~?" Mom read the question before I answered, she simply let me think for a moment before I replied while giggling.

"I want to be a pirate!!!"

Both f my parents looked at me, while my mom started straight up laughing at my dad's reaction to me wanting to be a pirate, he almost screamed 'NO' but managed to contain himself before simply deciding to say.

"Pirates are criminals, choose another job" He said while trying to look composed.

[Damn, he really takes the law a bit too seriously... or he is overprotective]

"Then King of the pirates!" I say after thinking for a bit.

"That's even worse"


I look at him for a few seconds before pouting and simply saying.

"Okay! but I won't hug you today"

"Agh!" I hear and see him from the corner of my eyes I see him clutching his chest as if he was hit by a bullet. My mom is almost on the floor laughing while hitting the table repeatedly.

"If I can't be a pirate then a hero would be the next best thing" I say with a bit of sadness in my voice, my mom simply scoops me up with her extendable arms and hugs me while grinning widely.

"Well, that's a good job! isn't it DEAR" she says while absolutely flaunting how she is hugging me.

"Yes, it is" my dad says, completely dejected about me not hugging him for the rest of the day.

[I broke dad]

"I thought I was invincible"

"Well, you're not"

I'm in my room resting in my bed with a wet towel on my forehead, apparently, I got sick from the common flu, not very uncommon, as the name suggests.

"I told you to be careful with the rain" My mom continues to scold me for not being careful.

"It's not like I was in the middle of the rain," I say, pretending to be extremely weak as to shorten the duration of my mom's scolding.

"Really~?" My mom said in a sweet voice betraying the sharp gaze she sent me.

"" I advert my eyes from her sharp glare, she sighs and simply starts leaving, I automatically grab the end of her shirt, stopping her in her tracks. My body hurts a bit but I managed to get slightly up as I stare into the hand that moved without my permission.


We stay silent, she decides to turn around and stares at me while raising an eyebrow, even with my hazy and while not seeing her I can picture her sly grin trying to get me to talk. I gather my courage and simply state with my trembling voice and blushing face as I face my mom.

"C-can you please s-stay?"

"Of course, I will"

Absolutely no hesitation in my mom's response, I nod in understanding as I let all my little muscles relax and immediately slumped down on the bed, with a small smile plastered on my face.

[This feels nice]

Strange. such a strange and bubbly feeling that I can't contain is always present while I'm home, I haven't really felt like this in my previous life, at all.

Is this what family feels like? Is it being taken care of? being satisfied? I had no answers for any of those questions, I felt like I didn't even need them anyways. My last life was the past, I should get to enjoy the present without me worrying too much about whenever I deserved the happiness that I'm feeling.

[Yeah, that feels correct]

"Hehe~" I giggle to myself,

[I really I'm lucky aren't I? My family wasn't in either of my wishes yet, it is what is making me the happiest]

"Mmm?" My mom perks up, she is sitting on the floor beside me while resting her head on the bed.

"I love you, mom" I say while flashing her a wide smile, My mom looks a time amused for a second before replying.

"Love you too" She says as she pats my head gently. I simply let my head rest in her hands as I drift into a nap in the middle of the day.