Oka Yukimura

Oka Yukimura "Demon's Apprentice" | Age: 7 (First apperance) / 15 (Start of MHA canon) | Female

Oka Yukimura is a friend of Tomomi since elementary school, thanks to her she can raise her head and live her life without any fear of being bullied because of being one of the sad percent who does not have any quirks.

Appearance: Oka has vibrant blue-colored hair with red eyes, she likes to have her long hair in a messy ponytail to imitate the wildness of Tomomi's hair. She generally wears clothes that are easy to move on such as simple t-shirts and pants.

She does wear traditional Japanese clothing mostly because of her parents.

Background: That's what the fanfic is for!

Quirk: Oka is Quirkless, her unusual speed, resilience, and strength come from her efforts and training with Takeshi Mizushima.

Personality: Oka is a timid and lazy person, generally preferring to stay out of conflict, but she tends to enter it in order to end it. Most of her confidence comes from her friend Tomomi and her mentor. She is a prodigy mostly to spite those who doubt her and to not be left behind by Tomomi.

Her prowess in martial arts mostly comes from her frequent spars with Takeshi and Tomomi, eventually taking the tonfas as her main weapon.

Likes: Computers, Games, Training, being Strong.