Oka Yukimura (1)

The big bad virus actually got me so I paused writing this Fanfic, anyways now I'm better and finally cathed up to some stuff like the MHA manga, gotta see everything else tho. I also read a lot of other quality fanfic.

Anyways thanks for reading!


Oka Yukimura's week has been going from bad to worse.

She had been dealing with the issue of moving out for the first time in her life, her new house was not bad by any means, it was bigger and had a traditional Japanese style to it. She never had any close friends because of her being quirkless, her house provided an amount of comfort that she simply no longer had.

Even then, she persevered.

[A warrior is courageous!]

She repeated every time she had negative thoughts about her first day in school, she didn't have any good experiences on her last one due to her quirklessness but this was a new start for her, her increasing nervousness could not be hidden but she tried her best as she was called to the front of the class.

"What's your quirk?" Sadly, the world wasn't as easy as she wanted.

"I-I... I don't..." Oka's mind started racing as she struggled to get a satisfying answer, she got more stares the longer she stuttered.

"I'm q-quirkless..." Finally, as she got beaten by peer pressure, she looked up to the class to try and find a seat, she noticed all the gazes of the student that landed on her.

Contempt, pity, and shock were drawn on their faces.

She managed to find a girl with shaggy hair that had more or less a look of empathy, she didn't find a seat even near her. She sighed in disappointment as she decided to take one of the seats at the back of the class, she still hoped for a bit of normality in this year of classes.

A few weeks passed by, and Oka got to know again the difference between herself and other people in class and school, the sinking feeling that she didn't belong with them that she really tried to keep at bay by repeating to herself the same words that her family taught her.

[A warrior is strong!]

[A warrior does not cry for anything!]

[A warrior always moves forward!]

Her family were traditionalist and generally reserved people with strong character that happened to come from a long and uninterrupted line of 'warriors' or Samurai as they were called half a millennia ago. These words were simple guidelines of old but for Oka, they were a bit of borrowed strength from people that were courageous even without having Quirk.

Even then, the constant and subtle bullying and alienation that the entire class subconsciously did on her was getting to her, she was struggling to find things to do or enjoy in class, she simply didn't matter for a good portion of the day. Her own smile was getting more and more difficult to keep up.

"Should I change my approach?" She pondered with a sigh as she walked towards her home.

"Hey, Freak! think fast!" Someone shouted behind her.

"Wha-" She barely got to turn around before something hit her head.




Oka stopped moving, she felt liquid slowly dripping from her hair and onto the sidewalk, she simply stared at the white puddle forming out of the object that hit her, a carton of milk. She slowly looked at the kids who threw it.

"Tch. Run!" The older kids ran until they were out of view.

Oka stood in place for a minute, before simply walking back to her home with liquid still dripping from her hair... and eyes. From that day, the amount of bullying she suffered slowly rose from day to day, she endured it with a forced smile on her face, she believed that eventually, they would stop either out of boredom or pity, but she saw no stop to it as the weeks passed by.

Oka was walking towards her home using the narrow alleyways, she was getting stares of contempt and pity for so long, that she was now afraid of any kind of stare. She got sick when she noticed them and has been getting into a habit of simply avoiding people, thus, she was now slightly fond of this route to her house.

"Hey, you!" Oka immediately froze in place, as she mechanically turned around, she found three older kids staring daggers at her, and she recoiled back.

"y-yes?!" She muttered back.

"Grab her!" The one in front yelled.

Once Oka saw them approaching her she snapped out of her fright and started running, she heard a snap before she promptly slipped and fell onto the floor face first, sliding along it for a few seconds before stopping.

[How did I slip on concrete?]

Oka questioned in a daze, the smell of blood permeated her nose as she held it in pain, she was forcefully restrained by two pairs of arms as she looked at her attacker. she soon realized what was causing her problems.

"Q-quirk!" She said in shock, hearing this the boy in front smiled as he reeled his fist back.

"Correct!" He exclaimed, punching Oka directly in the gut.

"Aghh" she realized that punch had a strength augmentation quirk behind it, making the air in her lungs leave her for a few seconds.

Oka gritted her teeth trying to resist the pain, droplets of blood from her nose landing on her lip as she tried her hardest to not cry. from her watery eye, she saw the figure of her assailant, a golden-haired kid with a cocky grin and emerald green eyes, his pupils had a silhouette reminding her of a lightbulb filament, his name was Hikari Yoshihama.

Yoshihama in question looked at Oka in disdain, she was beneath the moment it was revealed that she was quirkless so it was obvious that she would be easy prey for anything unsavory since there would be no backlash from her. Yet she retained something that made them mad and angry at her.

Oka immediately looked at him with a small smile that betrayed the emotions spilling from her eyes, which counted in pain, sadness, and hatred but were still brimming with hidden determination. She kept looking at him and in a ragged breath asked.


Her voice made everyone flinch a bit, but the tiredness of everything that had been happening to her because of her status was finally getting to her, she lacked understanding, what did she do wrong? why was she treated so badly? why would no one help her? these questions were simply unanswered.

"Your eyes" Yoshihama said looking at her.


"You're looking down on us aren't you?"

Oka looked in disbelief at him, she never did anything of the sort, but for these kids, who idolize heroes for their strength and quirks, someone who had the guts to tell them to their face that they were going to become 'warrior' was basically downplaying one part of their persona, people were incredibly proud of their quirks since it defined them.

Oka's status and 'dream' was dismissing a part of them, as childish as it sounded. The least they could do to vent their anger was bullying and make Oka at least cry and know her place. Her persistence in smiling and shouldering everything led them to believe they needed more drastic measures.

"You're going to understand something today 'warrior' " He said with sarcasm as he readied another punch, his fist glowed slightly now that Oka was paying attention to him.

Oka saw that the next hit was going for her face, she decided to close her eyes and clench her jaw and take the hit directly. She was still fuming and shocked about the supposed reason for her suffering but she would rather be knocked out rather than leave the only dream that she had, even then there was something she was sure of.

[Im scared]

"OI!!!" A scream made the punch pause in front of Oka blowing a faint breeze on her face, she slowly opened her eyes to see A fist retracting and letting her see someone at the entrance to the alleyway.

All 4 pairs of eyes immediately landed on her, a simple girl of above-average height, shaggy black hair, and coal-black eyes with a straw hat hanging on her back. Her eyes were analyzing the three boys until she crossed eyes with Oka, widening her eyes at the sheer expression of Oka, she discarded her schoolbag.

"What do you think you're doing?" she said loudly, picking up her straw hat and putting it on. Yoshihama narrowing his eyes at the girl known for drawing and sports replied.

"None of your business! now get l-"

"Actually I decided that it IS my business, so get to talking" She said loudly to interrupt Yoshihama with her arms crossed as she tapped the floor with her foot, waiting for an answer.

Yoshihama froze for a second before remembering that technically, Tomomi was also a somewhat easy-to-provoke person that valued her quirk, so he surmised that telling her would be not that much of a problem.

"We're teaching this 'warrior' her place as a quirkless person" He said calmly as he gestured to Oka, who by now was basically praying that Tomomi would not join in her beating.

Tomomi's gaze once again landed on her, Oka experienced the longest 10 seconds of her life as Tomomi inspected every inch of her body and position from afar.

"I see" She said before turning to Yoshihama.

"Then le-"


Tomomi immediately punch the brick wall beside her with enough force to visibly cracked it and leave a fist imprint on it, she kept looking at Yoshihama with a sharp gaze.

"Unhand her now! before I beat the shit out of every single one of you"