21 -=Training plan=-

After the little episode at Ichiraku's, team 7 discussed the reason Shizue was looking for them: training

If looks could kill, Shizue would have killed Kakashi 10 times already, just by how much she glared at him when she talked about his poor decision of putting team 7 through the chunnin exams

"So, who are we going to train with?" Kaede asked the most relevant question

"You will train with me Kaede-chan, lord third found a teacher for Naruto-kun and Kakashi will train Sasuke-kun" Shizue explained

"I see... then can Blizzard and Touka train with us as we-"

"OF COURSE THEY CAN!" Shizue excitedly replied, cutting Kaede's question


"uh... Sorry?"


Training ground 7, team 7 was all there, for a best approach on their training, Shizue suggested that they got tested individually since their first test was a teamwork test and Kakashi didn't give them any chances... asides from Kaede who she tested

"Okay, who is going first?" Shizue asked

"Oh, me me! pick me!" Naruto said

"Okay then, Naruto-kun's test will be against Kakashi"


Naruto facing Kakashi decided to use half of his entire jutsu repertoire in one go at the start... shadow clones... though, since he didn't learn the rasengan yet, he actually used everything he got from the start...

"Shadow clone jutsu" Naruto screamed as he and his clones begun to run in Kakashi's direction

Kakashi wasn't reading his book right now, Shizue would burn him alive if he did, this test is important so he paid more attention to it

Three of Naruto's clones attacked him from every side, surrounding him but Kakashi had a simple solution for that

Kakashi jumped into the three clones in front of him, taking then by surprise, quickly disposing of two of the clones.

Naruto's surrounding clones immediately acted, one of his clones did a leg sweep, Kakashi jumped over it, while Kakashi was in the air, 2 of Naruto's clones tried to punch him, Kakashi blocked it and kicked them in a counter

"That'll do" Shizue said with a strange expression

'This kid... his form is all wrong, his chakra is unnecessarily spent his clones aren't well coordinated and he is never on guard... I feel sorry for him, but the Hokage said he has a sensei in mind already so I hope it works...'

Anyways, those tests ended quickly, those were the results:

Sasuke had a good taijutsu for close combat and a good shurikenjutsu for long distance, his only ninjutsu was fireball, which is what Kakashi plans to deal with, teaching Sasuke some other jutsu and helping him increase his physical strength.

Kaede was again tested by Shizue, she had good ways to attack anyone from anywhere because of her 'permanent' sharingan, so Shizue offered to teach her kenjutsu and some fire jutsus, which she accepted.

Naruto was deemed almost useless at long distance, his taijutsu form was all wrong, so Shizue wrote some notes of what he should learn, including chakra control, taijutsu forms and some ninjutsu to use his massive chakra reserves. She planned to give this to the hokage, so he can give to Naruto's sensei.

This wasn't a bad idea, but who knows if Naruto will learn anything that she hoped in just one month...


Before going home, Kaede gave Touka one mission: Using her [Replic] skill, she would make a clone that would be acting as her before she got a name, so her clone was going to act as Tora, or in Kaede's words: the perfect spy

The thing is... with Touka's skill set, it is highly possible that she wouldn't be captured by any gennin, heck even some chunnins would have too much trouble with her... so what is the hokage going to do about that?