69 -=Secrets revealed=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



"Whe-where am I?" The teen opened his eyes and asked

"Hello there, kiddo" Rimuru appeared out of the shadows and said

"W-Who are you? no, scratch that, where are we? what are you going to do?" the teen asked

"Hahaha, I am you and you are me,

timelines are strange, huh?

we are at the void between dimensions, where we are only alive because the author wants

what I am going to do, you ask?

I am going to show you another timeline, peek into the past and all" Rimuru explained

"... wait... You are telling me you are me? -"

"Shhhh, no revealing names, okay? call me Mirai(Future), and I'll call you Kako(Past), okay?" Rimuru said

"...okay? so, you are me? we don't really look alike, you know?"

"Of course, I am not the same you, let me show you" As Rimuru said that, he made a screen appear and started to show the events of when he was reborn

"Hmm, cool. Reborn as Rimuru in Naruto? that is a dream come true...


wait what? why did you do that?" He asked when he saw Rimuru kill the original Kaede

"Does it matter? she was going to die in the uchiha massacre anyways" Rimuru explained, one of the kills he wouldn't remember was Kaede

"... sure..." the past Rimuru said, not very convinced, but ignoring that for now


"Okay... now I am sure, you truly aren't the same as me"

"Why do you say that? are you Sakura's fan?" Rimuru asked

"Not even close, but brutally killing an innocent girl? I can't see me do that

I am not that evil"

"Heh, you say that just because you didn't live long enough, you wouldn't think like that after 'that' day"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but

I can't see myself as a villain like you, sorry"

"It's funny to hear that, it will take you only one day to turn that pure heart into a wicked one"

"Sure thing joker, sure thing..."

"I am no joker... I think of me more like batman... who laughs, I tried to be good, but reality is cruel with good people"

"Reality is cruel w8th everyone, it's just that kind people take it as injustice, and evil people deserve it"

"Poetic... but naive. very, very naive..."

"Doesn't matter if it is naive, if we are going to be realistic always, then life isn't worth living"

"... hehehe



I'll tell you, you should become a poet, maybe that way you won't end up like me


Rimuru laughed in craziness, as the readers got transported by the author somewhere else


"Where am I?" Shizue asked as she saw herself appear in a dark space, with nothing but a table and two chairs there

"Hello there" The Author said as he appeared before Shizue

"Who are yo-" Shizue tried to ask but was interrupted

"Who I am is not important, my true name is impronunciable by the likes of you, mere mortal"

"Ehh, a chuunibyou? anyway, why can't I see your face?" Shizue asked, being a reincarnated person tends to open your mind to accept strange situations better

The Author's face twitched in irritation, but he maintained his composure

"My true form isn't comprehensible to mortals, just the mere sight of it could lead your mind to insanity" He explained

"Are you saying you are too ugly to show your face?" Shizue asked

The Author's face twitched again, his irritation visible to all

"Don't play with me girl, you are lucky some gods wish for entertainment, or you would have been turned into cosmic dust this instant, for such disrespectful demeanor"

"Sure, sure... whatever you say kid, now, can you send me back? I have more things to do than to hear a chuunibyou kid saying strange things" Shizue said, either annoyed or trying to annoy The Author, and she succeeded

"You asked for this mortal, since 'He' forbade me from killing you, I will be more creative

I will show your most kept secret to anyone who is reading this" The Author said, having had enough irritation for one chapter


In a snap of The Author's fingers, a screen appeared in front of Shizue, who all of a sudden couldn't move anymore

"What the heck? why can't I move?" She asked

"Shut up mortal, the show is going to start" The Author grinned as he disappeared into the darkness

"HEY! COME BACK HERE!" Shizue called out, but The Author was gone

She could feel hundreds of eyes on her for some reason, but she couldn't see anyone

"...Strange" She said

the screen turned up and as soon as Shizue saw the first image on it she screamed


But nobody came...

the screen showed Shizue talking with Kushina, let's change the POV to fit the scene better, shall we?

-=POV change=-

Shizue Fudo, also known as the fire princess was a jonin of Konohagakure

but one thing most people forgot about the flame devil, as her enemies called her, was that she was also a human

and like every human, she was part of some sort of drama, like everyone is

Shizue had a secret... actually, two secrets, one she has never told anyone, before Kaede

and One, she never told a soul after one incident,

but to hear that story, it's boring...how about we see it, instead?

Shizue was talking with Kushina, her good friend since the academy days, the fiery princess and the red hot habanero are like the dynamic duo of Konoha, actually l, it was a trio, with the red eyes Mikoto, the red-haired Kushina and the red aura of Shizue, they gave a lot of people fear of the color red

One day, Shizue was talking with Kushina as they went to the hot springs, they had combined to meet there with Mikoto as well, but Kushina was a bit sad, as she had limited time since her marriage with Minato Namikaze limited her by quite a lot

Shizue was always telling her that she shouldn't obey any rule of her now extinct clan about marriage,

that wasn't anything short of giving up her freedom and stopping her own dream of being a Hokage to be a simple housewife,

and Shizue knew Kushina also didn't like that, but... what could she do to help Kushina, if Kushina herself didn't want help?

They arrived at the hot springs and found Mikoto there, they talked about a lot of random things, but it didn't lead to anything at the end, just some blabbering they loved to do

POV change, again

"See you two!" Mikoto bid her goodbye as she went back to her clan

"So... let's go Kushina, we don't have free time so often nowadays" Shizue said as she grabbed Kushina's hand in a lewd act that no one should do publicly, causing Kushina to blush at the act

"Sh-Shizu, wait up" She said as she tried to catch up with her friend, but to no avail


they arrived at Kushina's house and started a new conversation

"So, how have you and Minato been lately?" Shizue asked, trying to start some conversation

"sigh... not great, he has been more and more occupied lately, we have been spending less and less time together..." Kushina replied, stressed by her lack of time with her husband

"That doesn't sound nice... anyway, have you ever thought of what I suggested before?" Shizue asked, barely containing her grin

"You know I can't do that Shizu, I am married now, and by the Uzumaki laws, I can't leave Minato anymore" Kushina replied sadly, she loved Minato, but he was too absent because of his training with Hiruzen to be the next Hokage

"Aww... But I am sure I could change your mind, don't you think?" She asked while sitting on Kushina's lap

"Shizu, stop that

we can't do this anymore..." Kushina said in a way that not even herself was convinced

"Are you sure about that?" Shizue asked, as sad as that was, She couldn't change Kushina's mind if she didn't want anything

"I... erm... uh..." Kushina kept losing her words

at the same time as she wanted to be with Shizue, she also loved Minato, and that brought her great confusion, not knowing what feeling to believe in anymore

"If you don't want, then just say it

I won't ve mad with you, okay?" Shizue said

Kushina thought, she thought a lot, she didn't want to leave any of her feelings to die out, so she decided to just ignore them and decide everything in the heat of the moment

"Ahhh, screw it! let's do this Shizu... but just one last time, ok?" She said

"You mean it?!" Shizue asked with literal stars in her eyes

"Emh... yes" Kushina said shyly, making Shizue grin at it

"You are so cute when you are embarrassed, Kushina

"Sh-Shizue, don't talk like that..."


"It's embarrassing..."

"You surely don't seem to mind it, or you wouldn't be doing this"

"s-shut up!" Kushina said embarrassed, not denying it

"Hehe, my little Kushina is so cute!" Shizue said as she grabbed Shizue's cheeks

"I'll show you the cute" Kushina said as she jumped onto Shizue, falling on top of her

"eh? pretty bold of you Ku-hmm" Shizue tried to rile up Kushina a bit more, but she underestimated how bold Kushina could be

"Shut up Shizue, and just... shut up, ok?" Kushina parted her lips from Shizue's and asked, she was embarrassed but at the same time not, she was conflicted about this whole ordeal, but at the same time not, her emotions were in a turmoil

"Okay" Shizue said as she actually shut up, she wasn't going to ruin her best friend's day

"I will just..." Kushina then put her hand on Shizue's clothes, ready to undo it, but

"Hey Kushina, did you see Kakashi tod-" Minato barged into the room, that actually wasn't locked, and saw Kushina and Shizue in a compromising pose

Both Shizue and Kushina froze at the same time, their minds stopped working for a second

"I... uh..." Minato didn't know what to say

should he be mad? happy? sad? confused?

he didn't know

"W-Wait! that isn't what it looks like!" Kushina tried to explain, but Minato just left the room to think and give them time

Shizue was so embarrassed she wanted to dig a hole and hide inside it

She left the house, her face as red as Kushina's hair

when she left she saw Minato giving her a thumbs up, with a grin and she just ran faster

"I didn't think Kushina was into such things... One more thing for me to make notes" He said as he took a book from his vest and wrote something down

"I should have asked my daughter a bit more about this kind of stuff, it would have been helpful right now..." He mused


Shizue looked at the screen with blank eyes, feeling all that embarrassment again

"Yo! how was it?" The Author asked as he appeared and the screen disappeared

"...Bastard" She said

"Huh, you are the one who went after a married woman, and I am the wrong one here? laughable

Anyway, the higher-ups said you can go now, and be quick, I still have things to do today, albeit time is relative here..." The Author then got a lost look on his face, thinking about things incomprehensible for mortal minds

Shizue didn't answer and just disappeared from there, she wouldn't remember being here, she would think it was just a strange dream, and she wouldn't be that far off, to be honest

"Oh well, now then, If I remember well... the next one should be..." The Author said as he also disappeared, going to torment someone else, that was the meaning of his existence, after all...


Yo!, how's it going?

I am going to be honest, I never wrote something like this before, so I have no idea if it is good or not

anyway, this whole chapter is just a special chapter 69, after all

the next chapter will be normal, and this one doesn't have any impact on the plot, asides from Shizue's past, that is

Alternative titles:


-Shizue, the wife hunter

-Rimuru who laughs

-That spiderman meme

This chapter has 2069 words, very Noice, isn't it?