those who are cunning and treacherous

In a private cinema, which was dark and the only light shone from the monitor screen, Nathan sat relaxed on the couch with Clara, who was lying down using his lap to support her head. Sometimes he refresh his wife's hair, touches her smooth face, then kisses her and returns to focus on watching movies.

"Could there be such a man in this world?" Clara asked when she saw the scene of Michael Hosea, played by Tom Lewis, who was meeting Angel, played by Abigail Cowen, who returned to the world of prostitution because she felt she was not perfect as a wife because she couldn't have children. "He is very gentle and patient….how can he accept his wife who has made love to another man," she continued in surprise.

"Because Michael's love for Angel is very sincere, and he wants Angel to believe in God, believe that nothing is impossible and God always listens to her prayers," Nathan answered calmly.

"How lucky is that woman named Angel."