Suspicious and traitor

At 10 pm, Michael woke up and realized that Mia was no longer by his side. He sat up and looked around which was very quiet, then leaned his body against the head of the bed. The man was silent with a blank stare, remembering the sweet times with Casey.

'I will never forget, you are always comfortable in my arms and will never leave me when I sleep. You prefer to stay in my arms until I wake up,' Michael thought, apparently missing Casey's attitude again. 'I'm sorry for having an indecent relationship with Mia... But I really can't help myself because I'm only human... I can't contain my passion.'

Drett... Drett...

Michael turned his attention to his vibrating cell phone sitting on the bedside table. He grabbed the sophisticated object and saw an incoming message from Mia via WhatsApp, then immediately read it.