Paulina's Honesty to Fabrizio

Paulina shook her head while frowning, but couldn't hide her nervousness from Fabrizio's gaze and question.

"What do you mean? I don't understand..." Paulina looked away and was about to return to the sight but Fabrizio cupped her cheek, making them look at each other. The girl became even more nervous, her heart was beating fast and she didn't know what to do because she had slipped up about the most secret thing in Clara and Casey's life.

"I'm sure I'm not deaf... I'm sure my hearing is still functioning well ....and I heard you say about Casey's soul leaving Mrs. Clara's body," Fabrizio said with a cold look. "What does all that mean, Paulina?"

"It is nothing ... .you just heard wrong," said Paulina then pushed Fabrizio's hand away, then was about to enter the room but her lover grabbed her hand.