Different morning

The next day...

Clara is preparing breakfast in the kitchen, to be precise, the white penthouse kitchen is equipped with luxurious modern furniture. She was busy grilling chicken and making prawn stir fry which she all bought through food delivery early in the morning because she wanted everything to be done by the time Nathan or Steve woke up.

"Hmm... The smell of grilled chicken," someone mumbled entering the kitchen.

Clara turned her head and saw Steve who came into the kitchen and then sat in the pantry chair. She returned to focus on her activities grilling chicken that was almost cooked.

"I thought you came home last night because Nathan and I slept," Clara said.

"I'm not leaving until I get the money because I need money," said Steve, who still looked sleepy, even though he looked like he hadn't washed his face.

"My husband will pay you very dearly because what you do means a lot to him."