Enchanted each other

Walking hand in hand, Nathan and Casey walked down the corridor to the elevator. Occasionally the new couple glanced at each other and smiled so cheerfully as if they didn't have a burden anymore.

They immediately entered the elevator when it opened and then pressed the button to the 5th floor.

"Are you happy?" Nathan asked, glancing at the always smiling Casey.

Casey just nodded.

Nathan smiled in relief, kissing the back of Casey's hand which he always held.

"I'm happy too."

Casey looked back at the front, staring at the elevator door where there was a mirror showing her and Nathan.

"You're beautiful," Nathan whispered.

"Thank you," Casey said.

"Why didn't you say I was handsome?" Nathan asked, frowning.

Casey frowned. "And why should I say it?" She asked.

"Because I've shaved my thick beard like Santa Claus," Nathan answered, raising an eyebrow. "You don't seem to appreciate my changes," he continued.