Oscar's State

Jane silently stared at Oskar who was lying weakly on the bed, precisely in the ICU room because his condition was very critical. Her son was lying on his side on his right with a pillow at his waist to support him because he had several gunshot wounds to his back.

"Why are you crying? Isn't this what you wanted?" asked Oskar quietly, his breath felt tight even though he used an oxygen tube and there was also a bandage on his shot hand.

"Mommy never wanted you to be like this, son, never," said Jane sadly.

"But you did this to me... You love Casey more than me."

"Son, no mother in this world wants to see her child suffer... Mommy also suffered a lot to see you like this, I never wanted you to be in a situation like this," said Jane with tears in her eyes.

Oscar smiled faintly. "But you did the thing that made me suffer...You shouldn't have told Casey about my whereabouts."