Decision for Mike

Diana and Rudolph walked down the hospital corridor to the room where Nathan was. The middle-aged couple was seen still wearing black mourning clothes because they had just attended the funeral procession for two police officers and a bodyguard who were victims of Oskar's brutality.

"I didn't expect it to end like this. Our family has always been disliked by people," Diana muttered languidly.

"That's because they don't know how to be happy with their own lives," said Rudolph casually then pushed the door to the infirmary open.

"Casey's on an IV too..." Diana muttered in amazement, entering the infirmary with Rudolph. They stared at Nathan and Casey sleeping so they didn't notice their presence.

Casey who heard someone's voice woke up. She squirmed a little, then Nathan also woke up. they glanced at Rudolph and Diana who were surprised to see they were both sick when previously only the husband was sick.