Love is Simple

When I read a love story, it's soon said how magical and wonderful everything is to be in love with someone, but after falling in love, I realized that love never has the same format for everyone.

At the time I was a simple restaurant receptionist, what they call a "Maître", was when I saw her for the first time there was nothing magical like slow motion and nor did my heart flutter.

I remember all I thought about seeing her for the first time was how beautiful someone could be and yes, she was stunning that night.

Black hair lengthened like a widow's veil, eyes sharp and blue like frozen lakes, lips red as apples and a slender body in a white dress.

She was the prettiest woman in the room and she caught everyone's attention, but in the end she was just another customer who would probably never come back after that night and that was where I was wrong.

She came back the next night and the next and before long we became close and became good friends since I was the one who always greeted her.

We went out together, we went to each other's houses and silently our relationship was changing.

Of course, it wasn't as fast as it seems, it was weeks of conversations, laughter and looks without any intention.

Until then, we were just good friends and on a trip to the beach, on a winter night, a kiss happened.

That time her face was so red and her eyes sparkled with such intensity that she looked like a teenager having her first love.

It was an innocence that didn't match the strong, independent image she displayed all the time and it was that contrast that drew me to her lips again and we repeated our first kiss slowly over and over.

This was something new for both of us, because until then, both she and I had never dated a woman before, but it was as if nothing in the world mattered in that warm kiss in the cold wind of the night sea.

-What are you writing, Linda? -Asked Samantha with two cups in her hands and, as sitting next to me, she said. -You were all morning with this computer, I thought we were going for a walk today.

As always, she looked gorgeous, especially when she is wearing only one of the many office shirts she usually wore in the court.

-I'm writing our story. -I replied, kissed her on the cheek and continued. -We're going, but it's so cold that I want to wait for it to get a little warmer.

-Hm... You didn't seem to mind the cold when we did it in the snow...

Samantha leaned toward me so that her white, half-buttoned shirt showed more than necessary, as if she was teasing me, and she nibbled my ear, making me sigh with goosebumps.

-I didn't care, you warmed me up... -I replied while feeling the heat of her minty breath. -You're teasing me like this... What are you going to do if I can't control myself?

Samantha looked at me with those blue eyes, smiled lasciviously, nibbled my lips after a peck and she whispered -You're going to lose control, are you? And what will you do if that happens?

-I will... -I pulled her onto my lap and smiled when I realized that she was wearing nothing but that shirt. -I'll devour you all...

Normally we didn't do this anywhere other than the bedroom or in very private places, like the snow mountain of a hot spring we visited for our two year anniversary, but the bedroom was so far away and the kitchen table looked so invitation that we made it right there, burning in our passion.

Our life together started after six months that we made our relationship official after several dates and nights rolling in mine or her bed, but nothing has changed even after living together.

She continued with her work as a judge in the criminal courts and I, after getting my first book published, quit my job as a maître and dedicated myself to writing.

We're still living our days like it's the day of our first kiss. We're still friends, but more than that, we're lovers and we loved eachother.

-Lets go? -Asked Samantha with an adorable smile. -Or do you want to repeat?

I think love doesn't have to be complicated, have lots of curves and accidents like in fairy tales. I prefer to leave that to the books and, who knows, to the future which we know nothing about.

After all, a little drama is always a spice in love, but while none of this happens to bother us and strengthen our love, we will continue with our love which was born of a simple friendship and silently united our hearts.

We just need to love like the day of the first kiss, so that way everything will go the way it has to be.

-Lets go... -I replied by getting up and closing the computer. -Suddenly I felt like having ice cream...

-In this cold?

-Hm... Strawberry.

-Oh! You naughty girl!
