Currently, Ametsa is busy preparing orders for customers because she is alone here making herself a little overwhelmed in dealing with so many newcomers who want to stop at this Cafe.

Enthusiastically, the girl was so diligent with her work that she did not realize that she was being watched by someone she had not seen for a long time.

"We meet again," the man muttered with the corners of his lips forming a smile. Then he began to walk to find a place for himself to sit and at the same time be able to see someone he had not seen for a long time.

Ametsa, who had just finished making coffee, immediately rushed to deliver it, but her eyes accidentally looked at someone who was currently smiling at her, which made the girl very surprised.

"Y-you?!" she said with wide eyes. But Ametsa suddenly remembered the tray she was carrying, so the girl immediately rushed to the front to deliver her order.

At this time Ametsa was surprised by the man's presence here, she who intended to date him and now that she was reunited with him made her a little embarrassed.

"Is this what they call destiny?" she said in her heart. "I didn't expect him to come back."

Without realizing it, someone who is now in front of Ametsa also frowns when he sees the Cafe barista who is smiling at himself.

"Sorry, are you okay?" he asked a girl in front of him right now.

Ametsa who woke up immediately licked her lips with wide eyes before finally rushing away leaving the customer who was currently looking at her in amazement.

"Do you know?" said the man beside him. "That barista is so beautiful, it's no wonder this cafe is always busy."

"You're right," he agreed. "But why is she acting so strangely?"

One hand landed perfectly on his friend's shoulder with a confident smile.

"It's because he likes me. Huh, just like that you don't know."

Hearing what his friend had just said, the man immediately rolled his eyes for a moment before finally deciding to drink the coffee that Ametsa had just delivered.

Meanwhile, on the other side, there was a man who had been watching the interaction between the two people with an annoyed face and one fist clenched.

"Ametsa is only mine," he muttered. "No one can have it but myself."

After that, the man immediately stood up from his seat to approach Ametsa but failed when he saw the girl who turned out to be walking towards his desk at this time.

This made him smile immediately because he was finally able to talk directly to the girl and he was able to ask Ametsa to date him.

"What would you like to order?" asked the girl a little awkwardly. "Sorry, I can't linger here, because the customers are getting more and more."

But the man ignored his words and focused on the girl in front of him.

"Beautiful," he complimented Ametsa. "You're very pretty. Oh, yeah, what's your name? I didn't know your name yet."

If only he knew that his words could make a beautiful girl like Ametsa feel her heart beat faster than usual.

Right now she didn't know what else to do to hide her nervousness because she felt that she had fallen in love with the man in front of her for a long time.

"My name is ..." The girl licked her lips for a moment before finally there was a hand that returned the man's handshake with a flat face. "Daniel, have you?"

The surprise between the two was also felt by Jilly, who was currently watching behind him with his arms folded across his chest and shaking his head.

"Daniel… Daniel… he's confusing," he mumbled then sighed. "You don't want to admit it, but if anyone gets close to Ametsa, you'll stop them. Tch!"

Back to Daniel and Ametsa, now the two people are looking at each other with one of them still feeling ashamed of his friend's treatment.

"Daniel, what are you..." The girl felt guilty because Daniel's possessiveness made the man in front of her feel uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, once again I'm sorry, he is my best friend, please forgive him, yes."

The man in front of him had been silent all this time with his eyes staring at Daniel so deeply as if he was looking for something, until where he understood and immediately nodded his head before finally smiling and standing up from his seat.

"Oh, your best friend, yes, before we met first, my name is Jason. Nice to meet you, Daniel."

Unexpectedly, someone who is in front of Ametsa at this time invites Daniel to get acquainted.

However, Daniel's response made Ametsa, not like it, therefore the girl immediately pulled one of her best friends' arms to reach out to reply to the handshake of someone who was in front of her at this time.

"You already know my name," Daniel said curtly. "So I don't need to say anymore."

Ametsa sighed before finally the girl gave a sweet smile to someone in front of her right now, while Daniel who realized it immediately cleared his throat quite loudly before finally the two people immediately turned their eyes away from each other.

"Don't you know that there have been many customers waiting for their orders?!"

The girl who woke up immediately patted her forehead for a moment before finally grimacing and turning towards the kitchen where it turned out that Jilly was standing watching her.

"Ah, I'm sorry," Ametsa said to Daniel. Then his gaze turned to the man who had just said his name. "Jason, I'm working first, okay, see you later."

Jason who heard it immediately said, "Okay, then after work, I'll wait for you in front of the Cafe how about?" he said.

Daniel's eyes immediately bulged hearing what the man in front of him had just said before finally Ametsa turned her head and then looked back at Jason with a nod of her head.

"Okay, see you later Jason."

"Yeah, good job!" he said excitedly.

While Daniel, who was still silent watching Ametsa who had left, now sighed before finally looking back at Jason who was smiling to himself.

"Hi Jason," he said.

"Yes," Jason said with raised eyebrows. "What's wrong Daniel?"

"One thing you need to remember, I will never let you near Ametsa!"

Daniel stared intently at someone in front of him at this time before the man finally returned to the kitchen to meet his friend. Meanwhile, Jilly, who had been watching in silence for a long time, immediately clapped his hands.

"You are great, my brother, you are truly an extraordinary man," he praised Daniel who was now in front of him. "Then what's your next plan?"

"Jilly, please, don't start

again, I'm tired right now."

In the end, Jilly chose to give in even though there was annoyance within his towards his brother.