A man stood facing a window long enough that it didn't feel like morning was coming. Now he decided to go somewhere so he immediately cleaned himself and changed clothes.

Meanwhile, Ametsa had just woken up from her sleep with her phone alarm going off, making the girl immediately open her eyes and then wake up from her sleep to turn off the alarm.

With her consciousness not yet fully realized, Ametsa sat down with her eyes still closed.

"Ametsa, are you awake?"

Someone's voice from outside the room made the girl turn around with her eyes still closed.

"Is that you, Daniel?" said Ametsa.

"Is there anyone else besides me here, huh?"

Hearing that made Ametsa smile for a moment before finally, the girl said again, "I'm sorry. Yes, I just woke up, Daniel."

"Hurry up and open the door, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"Just open it, I didn't lock the door at all."