In a different world at this time Masao looked in the mirror where there was an incident that made him completely shake his head. The man who knew it immediately took a deep breath with his arms folded across his chest.
"What are you looking at?" someone asked from back there.
Masao who heard that immediately turned his head back so that now the boy who knew it sighed.
"Master, how long have you been here?" he asked smiling. "I was just monitoring Ametsa's progress in her world. Looks like she's having a hard time right now."
"What is it?" asked the old man with raised eyebrows. "Did something happen in the human world?"
"As usual Ametsa is always surrounded by handsome men."
The old man who heard it immediately raised his eyebrows after that so now he shook his head. He turned his head towards a mirror that had just been seen by someone who was nearby.
"I saw something different in that girl."