Ametsa who heard it immediately raised her eyebrows to look at someone who was in front of her right now so that now the girl who knew it also took a deep breath.

"Did you call me?" said the girl looking at a woman who was about to walk up to her. "What's the matter, Auntie?"

"Yeah, if not me then who?" Meyra replied with a chuckle. "I stopped by the boutique and saw a nice dress for you. I think you should wear it when you get home."

Hearing that made Ametsa immediately pursed the corners of her lips until finally the girl who knew it immediately sighed.

"Well, thank you very much, Auntie. When will I be coming back?"

"You're welcome, my dear daughter. My husband is planning to take the doctor to his office to discuss it so you don't have to worry about that, okay?"

"Is that true?!" said Ametsa with sparkling eyes. "That's great to hear."