Edgar nods at you after you've made your choice and gestures at you to go and take a look at the rest of the armory. "They've just got in a few new weapons. Thought you might want to check it out," he says. You ask him how long it'll take for him to install the mod into your suit, and he thinks about it for a moment. "Give me an hour or so. I'll have everything done by that time, and you'll have a souped-up suit all good to go," he says.
You nod and head over to check out the new stock of arsenal. There are some new MA-19's that just came in, but that's the model you're currently equipped with, so you just give them a cursory glance. What does catch your eye is the stock of MS-07 combat shotguns and MB-11 battle rifles. While the assault rifle is already a versatile weapon capable of combat at most ranges, a combat shotgun is equally as versatile since you can change the type of ammunition loaded into it depending on the situation, whereas the battle rifle has a longer range of fire compared to the assault rifle.
Besides this delivery of guns, there's also a delivery of melee weapons. You browse through them and see that they have sent several shock rods and hammer-axes. The former is used in times when you need to bring in a combatant alive (although there are cases where the shock delivered is a fatal one), whereas the latter also has uses outside of combat as a makeshift tool. You also consider keeping your combat knife, as it's easier to draw in case of a sudden CQC situation, unlike the other two weapons.
You mull over your choice of weaponry for a bit before you decide to…