You walk over to her and she walks to you too, giving you a big hug. "It's good to see you again, Wendell Dumein. You don't look too good, though. Did something happen? Is that why you got sent back home?" she asks you, giving you a worried look. You take a deep breath and give your mom a reassuring smile, telling her that you're fine and you're just taking a good week-long rest so that you'll be ready to give your best the next time.

She looks at you as if doubting what you just told her, but eventually she relaxes and says, "If you say so. Where are the rest of your things? Or is that all you brought with you?" She points at the backpack on your shoulders. You nod, saying that you only brought back some clothes and toiletries. She sighs and shakes her head. "It's a good thing we didn't throw away your things then," she says as the two of you start to head out of the station.

Wait…what was that about your stuff being thrown out, you ask your mom, and she laughs dismissively. "Don't worry. We didn't throw anything out at all. The Major wouldn't allow me to do it. Says it's very important for you to have all your things back when you come home to visit. Personally, I think Pudding Pie is just a big softie underneath the uniform and the medals," she says, grinning at you, using a personal nickname for the Major that only she's allowed to use. "The two of you have so much in common, after all."

You don't say anything to this, lost in your thoughts as you follow your mom to her car.
