While you're pondering that strange line of thought, the ten minutes pass by quickly and a loud hiss from Balogh on the suit's radio jerks you out of your thoughts: "Look sharp!" You stand at attention as Conner Brandsen, President of the United States of America, walks out of the hotel and towards the armored limousine that awaits to take him to the Agartha Monument. In his late fifties, the President is a man of great height, over six and a half feet tall, and his grizzled beard and mustache lend him an air of toughness and authority that's quite formidable, even from inside your suit.
He gives you his customary salute, and the four of you salute him back until he gets into the limousine and you get onto your radjanto. Time to get this show on the road, you think to yourself, and Balogh takes the lead, riding ahead of the limousine. Your two teammates flank it and you follow behind as the rest of the President's security follow behind you in their own armored vehicles.
The ride is a leisurely one that takes about fourteen minutes, and as usual, nothing of importance happens on your way to the Memorial. As you approach the Memorial, your radio buzzes and Allenby's voice reaches your ears.
"Watch to Suit. Bogey is approaching your coordinates from your nine."