The packaged lunch is surprisingly good; you certainly didn't expect your teammate to be a good cook in the first place. As the meal carries on, Larry tries to make conversation with everyone, but there's still a bit of awkwardness stemming from what happened before the ravine patrol, and while no one is being openly hostile to her, it's hard for them to be friendly with her as well. So Balogh steps up to the plate for the most part, talking with Larry in an animated manner, at least to keep up appearances for now.

You can clearly see Jax trying to open up to Larry, but there are a few pointed glares from Ami who, while she isn't as hostile as she was before, is clearly still having some trouble with Larry. He keeps looking at her, trying to get her to let him just talk to Larry, and eventually, she relents, though Jax keeps the friendliness down to a minimum to appease his girlfriend. This makes it hard for Larry to try and approach them directly, so she tries something a little different, bouncing questions off of Balogh so that she can still get to know them better.

After a few moments, Larry glances at you and says, "So…what do you think, Dorn Wilton?" You shake your head and ask her to repeat her question. She flashes a grin at you and says, "What were you looking at exactly?" You open your mouth to protest, but she laughs again before saying, "I was hoping to get your opinion about me so far, actually. Maybe you can be honest about it and tell me what you think?"

"That's…rather direct," you tell her, then you ask her what she hopes to accomplish with the answer. "Maybe so that I can be a better team player? I know those two have some trouble with me," she says openly, without any fear of your two teammates' opinion. "So it's better I get something from a neutral party and better myself that way. At least, that's what I hope will happen here," she says and looks at you, waiting for your answer.