After you fill in the form, you quickly head over to the briefing room. Balogh is there already, filling in a few forms himself, and he looks at you as you enter. "Dorn Wilton, you're early…and is something wrong?" he asks, staring at you as you head over to him. You consider for a brief moment before you let him know what happened in the shower room. He listens to you quietly before he nods once and wraps his arm around your shoulder, giving you a quick one-handed hug. "Are you feeling better?" he asks you, and you hesitate for a moment.

"It's all right. I'm sure HR will get to the bottom of this, and we'll get whoever it was that was spying on you," he says as gently as he can, but you can hear a tremor of rage in his voice. He backs away from you and takes a deep breath, then says, "Well…you're here now. We just have to wait for Altug and the others to arrive before we get things done for the rest of the day. After that, you wanna get a drink with the rest of the team?" he asks, trying to make it sound light.

You open your mouth to answer, but you turn your head to the door at the same time; it swings open just before you can answer, and you smirk to yourself just as Altug enters the briefing room, accompanied by Larry. "Good…the two of you are here, and so's Corporal Lara. Now we just have to wait for the two others to join us, and we can get this debriefing done," Altug says and glances down at her tablet, checking the time.

Ami and Jax enter the room a few minutes later, looking rather disheveled, and you groan softly when you see them looking like that; clearly they were in a hurry. Altug looks at them and takes a deep breath. "Well…at least you're not late. But you need to know your place, too. Toilet duty for the next week," she says sharply before she waves at them to take their seats.
