"Only if you keep acting like this."
Your words have no effect. Zhu simply stares at you for a few minutes and then, roaring with fury, swings.
Zhu is too angry to fight effectively. He telegraphs his swing well in advance. It is child's play for you to throw up your guard and catch his swing, absorbing the force harmlessly.
But Zhu is not done. Snarling with rage, he circles around you, crouching down in a fighting stance.
You are ready for him. You rain rapid punches and kicks on Zhu, and before he can get a single hit in, he's lying on his back in the snow. Blood trickles down his face.
He lies there, still, for a few moments. Then, with a mighty push, he gets to his feet, a little unsteady on his legs.
"My apologies, Dr. Spillane," he says, extending his hand to you. "I was…unreasonable. I will endeavor to control myself better in future."