"Followers of Thanatos, the god of death." Kanow tells you. "They hunt your kind down for sport."

"Are you perhaps newly cursed?" Kanow asks. "You seem confused."

You explain. "I awoke in a tree this morning not knowing my name nor what I was doing there."

Talandor's brows furrow. "Then we best keep you hidden." He looks to the short sword at your waist. "Do you remember how to use that?"

You put a hand to the hilt. It fits perfectly to your hand and feels right. "I believe I do." You snatch up your backpack. "Lead the way."

Talandor starts out in front of you, while Kanow stays beside you, practically running to keep up with your long strides. "There are Sun Knights just thirty leagues from here. They would gladly protect you I'm sure."

What will your response to Kanow be?

Protect me from what?

"The death cults have hunted your kind to the brink of extinction, milord." Kanow tells you.

"Why are you calling me, milord?" You ask.

"Because you are one of Solaron's chosen children. You were put on this Earth to be the guide to mortals." He explains.

You raise a brow. "How is someone who can't remember who he is able to be a guide to mortals?"

"It wasn't always this way." Kanow continues. "Once, you were mighty both day and night and your people didn't forget who they were each year."

You nod and follow your two new friends to a tavern. As the three of you enter the tavern, you notice immediately that something is wrong. The tavern is full, but everyone is silent. All eyes turn to you as you enter. Their expressions are those of complete surprise and awe. Apparently, they have never seen a Solarian before.

Two robed figures turn from the bar to look at you. They, too, seem surprised, but that surprise quickly turns to unveiled contempt. One of the figures, a dark-haired man with a wispy black beard and beady black eyes walks up to you and grabs the front of your tunic. "In the name of the king, I arrest you, Sun Child. You will follow me to the local guard house."

How will you respond?