Otsuka Kemino

"No, you absolutely can't do that." Night Owl responded briskly. 

Kemino thought he heard him wrong, considering that as an incogitant remark from Night Owl.

Night Owl saw his facial expressions and said again firmly, making his statement clearer. "Kiddo, I'm not just jabbering on here. I'm dead serious. You can't teach him that skill or anything related to vampires."

"Sir, sparing my life is one thing. Now you are going to judge me on how I teach my students. I know what is really good for my students. Just because you are stronger than me, don't you think you have crossed a line here, and moreover, are you trying to besmirch the reputation of me being the martial master?" Kemino asked, looking at him unfavorably.

"You are wrong again. I don't really think like that. Then, I am pretty sure to show my real identity to you." Night Owl then removed the black hoodie, showing the face covered with a grotesque-looking shinigami mask.