Von Voyage, And The Spartans!

After tapping various buttons and pulling various iron levers, the soft revving sound of the engine came inside the room.

"Master Damien, the engine is hot, and the ship is ready to sail. Where shall we go?" Kimura Onsen asked.

"East! We are going to Sun Country, Japan. Alright, don't disturb me. Let me take a nap!" Bobby responded. Then he adjusted the seat, making it bend in backward.

Inputting some data of coordinates in the 3D screen in the air projected from an AI attached to the ground, Kimura said, "Aye-aye captain, it's Sun Country then. Von voyage!"

Then the next thing, the ship started flying and soon passed through the spatial dome that was covering the fighting area set by some form of energy array technology

The earlier beautiful park was no more and the large area touching the edge of the city and mostly the outer densely verdant forest also became the victim of the earlier class.