Clipping The Celestial Wolf

In the heart of the Forbidden Overshadow Region, chaos unfurled as the celestial twin-headed wolf, driven into a berserker frenzy, ignited a surmountable explosion of vibrant yellow flames. The very air crackled with unleashed power as the intense aura rippled outward, heralding the beast's unrestrained wrath.

Caught in the maelstrom, the once-proud General found himself lifted and tossed like a leaf in the wind. A masterful display unfolded as he glided through the air, executing somersaults with a grace that belied the force of the explosion. With a swift retreat marked by an undercurrent of dread, he sought refuge beside the enigmatic priestess.

In the midst of the turmoil, the monk materialized abruptly, appearing beside the priestess with a suddenness that mirrored the unleashed chaos. The trio, now facing the unleashed might of the berserked celestial wolf, stood together, their fates entwined in the turbulent currents of the Forbidden Overshadow Region.